
Sibi Update

Yesterday we got to go have an ultrasound to see everything was going well with Sibi.

They say that it is used to check for downs syndrome, but all I want to see is a heart beating.

Bub looks good and very different to Eme!! Heartbeat was 20bpm then Eme (Russell thinks this is because it is a boy) and was barely moving around. Was quite happy to just lay there crossing its legs and floating around! Eme at her 12wk ultrasound was bouncing all over the place!

Hopefully this means this bub will be a little more low-key than Eme...but I don't mind having two psycho's on my hands!

Hullo Everybody!!!

Resting hand over head


Quote of the day

"The love of liberty is the love of others;
the love of power is the love of ourselves"
- William Hazlitt


No more secrets

Ive had to remove the anonymous posting on this blog because I'm getting to many losers leaving silly advertising comments. This blog isn't a billboard.


Old News

So, you may or may not have heard through the grape vines, but we are having another baby!!

We are due the 24th of August and are just as excited as we were with Emery.

This pregnancy has been quite different to the last. While I was quite sick in the first 16wks with Eme, I haven't been all that sick this time. I just feel rotten most of the day and night. But I haven't been vomiting on trains...just the once on our front lawn :)

Last time all I thought about all day and night was the pregnancy and the baby, but this time I am too busy with Eme all day to give much thought to this pregnancy. At first I felt really bad because I was worried that I wouldn't love this baby as much, but after hearing a sermon by Erwin McManus, I realised that we don't have to 'split' our love between people, but that love grows. I felt a lot more confident and am still just as excited about this bub as I was about Eme.

Emery was known as the bub-o-luv, so this next bub will be referred to as 'Sibi'. Which is short for sibling. It's how we refer to the baby with Eme...trying to teach her to be a big sister to her sibi. She really has no idea, and I don't think she is going to take too well to having to share her parents, but I'm confident that we can still show her just as much love if not more when the new baby comes.

By around week 7 of this pregnancy, my belly button reverted to its 'old ways' and popped out :) I still don't show all that much, but it's funny how easily the body returns to pregnancy. It's an absolutely beautiful and amazing thing, and I am so blessed to be carrying this little one. We women are truly blessed.

Russell has been an absolute rock for me these past weeks. He has been on holidays for the last 6wks, and he has been the biggest help. He has changed sooooo many nappies, and looked after me every day, and never complains. I'm constantly apologising for ruining his holidays, but he is a gentleman and always says that they're not ruined. It's been interesting with him going back to work this week, but so far I've survived. You've just got to get on with it I guess!

I've also changed from full-time study to part-time this semester, and then I will have to take a break till the baby is old enough for me to return to study. Some people wonder why I'm even bothering, but I'd rather start now, otherwise I will never get to it. I'm slowly starting my journey to what I believe God has called me to (midwifery) and I believe that he will guide and lead me on this journey.

So, that's some of our news and I hope that I can keep you all regularly posted on how we're doing!

Watch this space!!!