
Slicked Nostril Hairs

Bek: I have a fluff stuck somewhere in my nose

Russ: Is that so

Bek: Hey, do we ALL have nose hairs?

Russ: Yes

Bek: I think sometimes mine get slicked back

Russ: .....

Bek: yeah, sometimes it's like the air gets right in there and my nose hairs are slicked back, and the air hurts my nose cos there's nothing to stop it. The air dries out my nostril 'cos there's no hair to stop it tunnelling. You know?

Russ: .....no....I don't know

Bek: ....yeah, sometimes they just slick back

Sisterhood Award

Thanks Sarah for nominating me for the Sisterhood Award which is for female bloggers who are considered inspiring and encouraging.

This is what she wrote about me on her blog:

Bek at Longfur. She has a baby now so she can't blog as often as she used to but I really miss her posts just about following Jesus in everyday life. Come back Bek!

I really missing being able to blog as much as I used to...and I do have plans to blog more...but they are usually foiled by a sucking machine!! (who I love to death!!)

Now I need to nominate five other blogs to share in this award.

I'm going to return the award to Sarah at the Sedshed. She was pretty much the first blog I started reading. She is honest, open and an amazing writer. She isn't scared to ask the tough questions...oh and she tends to invade my dreams sometimes!!

Jen from Abba's Princess. Jen is a mum of 5...YES 5!! Which I find amazing...I would love lots like that too! She does an amazing job as a wife and mother and she too is open and honest about the struggles and joys of being a parent (and wife). She is funny too... and dedicated!! She started the whole writing 100 things she loves about her hubby! I do believe she posted 1000 things!!! AMAZING!

Ummmm...I'm sure there are more...but I honestly can't think of any!! I'm sorry if that offends! I'm the same as Sarah...I mainly read blogs by guys, so I can't really think of anyone else I'm sorry!!

Anywho...pass it on girls and THANKS for your open hearts and posts!

Tithing update

Thanks to all those who commented on my last post. It was good to get a discussion going on this blog again!!

Now, I received a few concerned messages during the week, and I just wanted to say that the main point of my post may have been missed. Russ and I are fine (relatively) we are still eating, and still alive over here!! I was just wondering what people thought about tithing as it is a subject that almost everyone has a different view point on.

So, please don't panic...it's nice to know people care...we are fine. :) and we are eating :)

On another note, it has been great to discuss what people think about tithing and to re-evaluate (as a family) what we do in regards to tithing.

I hope the post challenged you and made you think about what you do with your money, and where your money goes!!


In these "tough times" does God really want us to tithe?

Firstly, a HUGE thankyou to those who commented and gave me advice on taking Eme on her first plane flight. She was a dream baby and went FANTASTICALLY! I will update on the trip soon...but for the moment I have something on my mind.

I am out of work. My maternity leave has officially ended, and since I am not returning to work full time, I am out of a job. I cannot commit more than 2 days a week to work and therefore, the majority of businesses out there don't want to know me.

This is an odd feeling for me. I have NEVER been knocked back for a position. EVERY interview I have ever gone for, I have gotten the job! So it came as a bit of a shock last week when I drove all the way up to Innaloo (from Kwinana) to go for a job interview that only lasted a maximum of 10mins to then be told I hadn't got the job. I was shell shocked!

Now, after a weekend away we have returned home to reality. A reality that we cannot live off Russell's chaplaincy wage and that if I don't find work THIS week, we may just not survive.

At the start of the year we decided that we really wanted to make sure that we tithed every week. We have tithed off and on since being married, and I really felt challenged by God this year to make an effort to always tithe. So, even though it has been scary to tithe, I've still been receiving a maternity leave pay and so it hasn't been too big a deal to tithe.

This week however, if we tithe, I don't think we will be able to afford groceries, let alone the electricity bill sitting on our fridge. But I still find in my heart that God is wanting us to tithe. I am of the opinion that God will still look after us and that he will pull through. However Russ is of the opinion that sometimes God wants us to use 'common sense' and save the tithing money and use it for our groceries, etc.

So which is it? Can it be both?

I am so confused right now and in amidst of all this unknowing and uncertainty I still feel a strange peace.

I so desperately want to be a stay at home mum. I want to focus all of my time and energies into being a mum and a wife and taking care of the family home, but I feel this huge pressure to go back to work so that our family can simply exist.

I don't feel God's leading in anything, other than to stay faithful to him and to tithe. But maybe I'm not hearing right...I don't know anymore.

I just simply don't know what to do.

How have your family's been going through these times? I find it hard to say that Australia is having a financial crisis, and that we are all doing it tough. We have had it so good for so long that I think this has been a much needed wake up call.

Have you and your family been tithing? Do you think God wants us to still tithe or do you think he wants us to have some 'common sense' and spend our money more wisely?