


My nape piercing

This was only a week or two old when this picture was taken, so its a little red. Its perfectly fine now though!! I love it, love it, love it!


my new addiction

I have been bitten by the piercing bug!

Lately I have found myself spending all day looking at a piercing website. www.bmezine.com A few months ago I had my nape pierced (back of neck) then two weeks later, I couldnt help myself but got both of my nostrils pierced. Now I find myself constantly looking at different piercings and wondering what I should get done next.

After spending so many hours on this web site, I began to uncover a more sickly side to piercings. I thought to myself that piercing was harmless and that it is just a form of expressing ones self, but after reading many peoples different experiences, I found that a lot of people find it very "spiritual". I began questioning myself. Was what I had done, and planned on doing, sinful? What does God think about it all? Did he aprove, or was I being looked down upon with a disapproving smile?

Looking at, and reading, so many sickening stories, and seeing lots of gross pictures, and how seriously some people took this. Was I being too wishy washy? I have aways been so firm in my beliefs, and I was not liking how this was challenging me! (still not)

So I am still stuck in my dilemma! Are piercings sinful - and dont quote me with "do not pierce your bodies" (sorry dont have Bible right here, and cant see exactly what it is) I want honest opinions from people. Not what you think in your head, but how you feel about it in your heart?

I am not taking out my piercings, I am simply trying to decide whether I get more, or if I try go cold turkey on my piercing frenzy.