
Emery's Dedication

On Sunday (22nd) we had Emery dedicated at church.

It is where Russ and I publicly vowed to raise Eme to know God and to give her every opportunity in her life to meet God and to 'hopefully' follow him also.

We had my dad do the dedication and I personally found it very emotional.

We picked Psalm 100 as our Scripture as we feel that it expresses the joy we have and the thankfulness we have to God for Eme's safe arrival, and for her in our lives.

v5 of Psalm 100 is:
"...his faithfulness continues through all generations."

Emery's (1st) middle name is Joy. My middle name is also Joy. We decided to carry the name through because of God's faithfulness.

My mum had 4 misscarriages, 3 before I was born. So when I finally came and mum & dad were finally starting the family they had been so desperate for, the gave me the name of Joy as thats how they felt!! Over-joyed!

When Emery was born I realised just how special she was. Mum probably thought that she was never going to be able to have kids, let alone Grandkids, and now, here, with Landon and Eme's birth, God was remaining faithful to her, and to me.

My parents have been blessed, and we have been blessed.

After dad prayed for her and was passing her back to Russ he said that we need to remember that Emery is a gift from God, on loan to the Ingrams, and that as stewards it is required that we be found faithful. This is what dad was told when mum & dad had me dedicated as a bub. (made me cry!)

Having a child is amazing. I can go on and on about the whole experience, and I guess thats why I haven't posted anything for a while...I don't want to bore you all with boring mummy, house-wifey details!!

But, I will indulge myself and update you on a few things.

I am still breastfeeding Eme and I find it one of the best things ever! It does get tiring and sometimes I wish I didn't have to do it, but I figure that she is only so little for such a short period, and in a few years or decades I will be missing having her so small that she fits in my arms. It is such a bonding experience and I love the fact that she watches me as I sing to her and smiles back mid-feed....except when she gets the milk everywhere!

And yes, she is smiling like crazy! She smiles back and even tries to talk. I swear I won't be able to get her to 'shutup' once she's older. She will be a talker, just like her dad.

She just turned 3mths old and is wearing 6mth old clothing. Sigh...

Today, she rolled over for the very first time! snif snif...my little baby is growing up! She went from her tummy to her back...she may have just over balanced herself, but I'm still holding it up as a small milestone!

I wish I could fully describe what its like to be a mum, but I can't. When people ask how its going, all I can say is "good". But that doesn't feel like it gives it enough credit. Motherhood makes me feel alive and I am just so thankful to God for this amazing miracle.

Thankyou for my little Eme-joy...she is the best thing that has ever happened to me (after Russ that is!!)


Sarah said...

I'm glad to hear motherhood's going so well for you guys. Is it ever stressful? It sounds like you're a natural :)

Where did get Kade from? Is that after a band too?

bek said...

Boy is it EVER stressful! Half the time I don't know why she's crying (though its rare, she is pretty placid) and last Wed night I had a real bad night. We went out for dinner and she screamed the entire time and so one of us had to stand outside the restaurant while the other finished eating their food! It was horrible!!!! BUT I wouldnt change it for anything! I love her too much.

Kade comes from a mix between my mums name and russ' mums name. My mum is KAren and russ' mum is DEnise, I thought I had invented the name, turns out it is a real name though!! (usually used for boys though)

Middo said...

Very awesome Bek! Sorry I didn't make it, hopefully seeing you this weekend in its place will do:)

And also don't feel like you need to hold back the 'mummy, house-wifey details', your uodates are tops!

Look forward to catching up, so much news to share!