
The Extent of Eme's Vocabulary

more? (sounds like a question when she says it) = obviously, she...wants...more
sweestree? (again, sounds like a question) = Sesame Street (and I want to watch it!)
sues? = shoes
sues? = socks
sues? = feet
ooey = woolly (her blanket she carries EVERYWHERE. the one I made!)
da = thankyou/ta (though it is a rareity)
baby = baby dolls
teddy = teddies :)
ETdee = Jet (our dog) / Jetboy
noooo = no
dontee = don't touch!
argh = argh (she copies me growling at Jet)
kai = kajah (her cousin)
illy = landon (her cousin)
dada = anyone and everyone
mumumumumumumu = I want something mum

I'm sure there are others, and at the moment the list is expanding everyday! I just want to keep a record of her words at 18.5mths along :)

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