
Christmas politics

How was everyones Christmas?
Mine was busy. Does anyone else have the problem of trying to decide what family to see and when? This is our 2nd christmas married. Last year, we invited both families over to our place so we didnt have to divide ourselves up (no one else in our fam was married yet too) . This year however, my brother and russells sis were married and we had to decide what family to see and when.
This is painful!! Of course I want to see my family, and russell his. It is getting to the point where grandparents, uncles and aunts cant really demand to see us on Christmas day. I wonder if we could have dinner or lunch a week before christmas or christmas eve or something, but it is hard to expect us to spend the majority of the day with one side of the family.

I have never had this problem before. My immediate family is the only relatives I have here in WA. Everyone else is over east. So every christmas it used to be the six of us, plus we would have someone to share our lunch with who also didnt have anyone to spend christmas with. It was great, it was a relaxing day, no tension and no worries (other than the chook in the oven).

Now I have married into a family where EVERYONE lives in WA. Uncles, Aunts, grandparents, cousins, etc.

On Mon, I didnt get to see anyone in my family till 4.15pm. I was so upset, because it hadnt felt like christmas yet because I hadnt seen my bros and sis, and parents and granzo. (Granny moved over from QLD this year!) I struggled over lunch to be happy and try get into the festivities, but his family is SOOO opposite to mine, that I was stressed the whole time. I couldnt enjoy myself, and found myself constantly tensed. The only time I relaxed was when I was lazing in my parents pool and playing some backyard cricket. I know russells family is now my family, and I am trying. But I dont see why we HAVE to spend Christmas day with EVERYONE. Im all for spending time with his family, but could it possibly be on the Eve or during the week? We both agreed that we would see both sets of parents and siblings, but not necessarily relatives outside of that.

It starts to get so political and I just want my old, easy, relaxed, non political, chrissys back. I know it wont happen, but who knows. Maybe there is a waft of change in the air.

1 comment:

g said...

my sister got married this year and my mother has become a little 'lost' without her around.

To make sure that we all spent Christmas day together we were ALL packed up and shipped off to Vanessa's new mother in laws house for breakfast... this wasn't so bad except for the fact that because of this all our normal Christmas stuff was put on hold... we got home about 11:30, lunch was put on hold till dinner time, we ended up sitting down and exchanging gifts at like 1pm and then everyone was slightly put out by all the differences we all went and fell asleep in our different rooms.

I remember a few years ago when I had a girlfriend over the Christmas period, I had to wait till all the Christmas stuff was done before driving the hour into Brisbane to spend some time with her and her family.

I guess I'm just understanding a bit of what you went through...