
Name Calling

I (we) have a few names we call Emery.
Eme-joy joy joy
Ssspecious girl
Sweet Cheeks
(this one is from her Grammy) Myjy (pronouned midgy)
Ssspecious girl came from me one night. I was trying to tell her she was special to me and a precious girl and I accidentally said ssspecious. It's stuck ever since!
And myjy is my mums name for her. It stands for My Joy
I don't know if I ever went through the names we gave to Eme.
Emery was a suggestion from Russell. It was the name of one of our bands we enjoyed and we thought it quite a pretty name for a girl.
Joy is my middle name and I wanted to pass it onto Eme as it holds quite a bit of meaning in our family. My mum had 3 miscarriages before she had me, and when I was born I was such a 'joy' to her and dad. After I had my miscarriage I decided that if we ever had a girl, her middle name would be Joy also. Considering my mum thought she would never have children, let alone grandchildren...I thought it would be a nice reminder of God's grace and faithfulness.
Kade (her 2nd middle name) is a combination of my mum & mum-in-laws names. KAren & DEnise. I thought I had invented a name, then found out it's actually a real name (for boys)
So, there you have it. What's behind a name...
Who has an interesting story about their name or their children's names?

1 comment:

bek said...

I forgot to say also that Eme is a hawaiian name meaning 'beloved'
I LOVE it!!!