
Time to hit the books

I'm heading back to Bible College.
"What?" I hear you say. Yes, a couple of years ago I started a Diploma in Theology at Western Australian Bible College (WABC) now currently known as Bible College of Western Australia (BCofWA). I started my Diploma, but never completed, not that I got very far into it. I have always been a VERY independent person, and couldnt handle studying and not being able to work. I have worked since I was of legal age, and it was a weird adjustment, so I finished a unit, and never continued the next year.
Since being married, and my husband studying, and me being the "sugar mumma", I have been finding it hard to adjust to a role change. I keep finding myself wanting to be the one at home studying the Bible and Russell being off working full time. I hate the fact that I have to get up early, work a long tiring day, come home and then cook or clean or whatever needs doing (Russell does help, he's not lazy). I wish I could just study. I regret not taking the time when I was living at home, and not paying bills, to study. So I've gone the hard way (I always make things harder for myself)and I have gone back to continue with my Dip., while still working full time. So I am going to be a busy little bee, and hopefully loving it!
I cant wait :)

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