
am I an unsupportive wife?

I had a bit of an episode yesterday. I think I may have got myself kicked off a blogspot. This is no laughing matter. I was reading a blog of a very young girl. I think 14 or 15. She is Baptist Reformed, and her blogspot is mainly aimed at being a stay at home wife when she grows up. A lot of the blogs she posts state that it is the womans duty to stay at home while her husband works. That you can only be supportive to your husband if you stay at home. Now, most of you who know me, will know I would have a huge problem with this. And I do!
I left a comment, more a question "Do you believe that because I have to work because my husband does not earn much money working at a church, that I am sinful?" The response I got was that my husband should quit his job, that he should find something where he earns more, and I should stay at home. She quoted endless scripture at me, told me that I am not supporting my husband in a way I should and that I need to read the scriptures more, and repent.
When I read this, I was so angry. My body literally was shaking. I felt sick in my stomach. I have never had this reaction to any comment before. I dont know what got me. It was probably the fact that it hit close to home, and I felt that I had to defend my relationship with my husband. It in no way made me question whether I am supportive or not, it just made me question, "Am I wrong?"
Knowing that this was a young girl, and she clearly was being heavily influenced by her parents, I proceeded carefully. I replied with something along the lines of, "What you said was hurtful, you dont know my relationship with my husband so you shouldnt make assumptions about whether I am supportive or not, and that I believe I am being supportive because I am working so that he can continue his study of the Bible and to fully grow into the man God wants him to be.
This was then followed by an email to my email at work from her parents. They said I was attacking her and that my comments were deleted, that Im not acting like a Christian, etc, etc.
This did not end at just the one email. It was about 6.
I ended it by emailing that her parents should be a lot more careful as they had now supplied me with their names, their daughters name, their last names, where they lived, and their personal email address, and if they harassed the wrong person, they could end up with a dangerous person on their hands. Now, to end my story, I am left with a feeling in my gut that I may be a bad and sinful person. Does God think I am sinful because I am at work outside of the house? Honestly I dont know what I would do all day if I was at home, I dont know what I would be doing that would be more supportive. I already do the majority of the cleaning, cooking, etc. I believe we both have equal parts in our relationship.
So here is my question...."Should I quit, work at home, and consequently force Russell out of his job?" or am what I am doing, considered the right thing. Im sorry if this is all over the place. I am really quite put out, so once again I apologise.


Sarah said...

Hi Bek, I'm a Christian from Perth also and I followed a blog trail so I thought I'd leave a comment.
In my opinion, I don't you're sinful for working to support your husband. You said that girl was quoting scripture at you. Where in the bible does it say that all married women should stay at home all the time? I know in Ephesians it talks about the husband being the head of the wife and in Titus it talks about older women training younger women in how to care for a family but if Russell is finding you working to be a great support for his ministry and study, and is happy for you to continue then what's wrong with that?
If you had children then it would be more difficult, but right now, there's only so much cleaning/cooking that you can do at home (which you already do anyway) and by working you can get to know non-Christian people and be a great witness to them.
Sorry for long comment.
Sarah :)

bek said...

thanks for your comment. I definately that when kids do come along I wont be working. I will be home with them till I see suitable to go back to work. Russ and I are not at the stage where we would be able to afford having kids and me leaving my job. Weve put lots of thought into what we do when kids come along and all that jazz :)
thanks dude

backyardmissionary said...

i have had my fair share of run ins with those kinds of folks (almost always 'reformed' of some variety) and been banned on several blogs for asking difficult questions, or disagreeing. I have also felt the anger at their inflexibility and rudeness.

the whole deal of getting the parents involved is also pretty poor form. if you're going to go public with your thoughts then you need to cop it on the chin if people disagree.

as far as your question of whether or not you are supportive...

i think you know the answer to that. so don't let those bible thumping fundies push you around. hop in your car and run them d...

ah no... that's a bad idea...

the good thing about these kinds of confrontations is that they do genuninely cause us to question what we are doing.

i think anyone would be battling to defend this issue from scripture!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bek. I was googling the phrase "Should i quit my job" since i have been married 3 years without children. then i saw your blog. If i may comment... I dont think you are sinning by working. I am also a baptist, and in our church, we constantly remind the congregation that we hired the pastor, not his wife, not his kids. SO the pastor's wife has a job at the university. As long as her job does not intefere with her taking care of her family, it's ok. Support comes in many different ways. No one can tell you you are not supporting your husband.