

My work is hoping to be Carbon Neutral by 2010 and as such committees are forming everywhere to try and cut back on our Greenhouse emissions (I think I got that bit right!)

We have all been invited to watch a screening of "An Inconvenient Truth" by the Sundance Film Festival.

"From director Davis Guggenheim comes the Sundance Film Festival hit, which offers a passionate and inspirational look at one man's fervent crusade to halt global warming's deadly progress in its tracks by exposing the myths and misconceptions that surround it. That man is former Vice President Al Gore, who, in the wake of defeat in the 2000 election, re-set the course of his life to focus on a last-ditch, all-out effort to help save the planet from irrevocable change. In this eye-opening and poignant portrait of Gore and his "travelling global warming show", Gore also proves himself to be one of the most misunderstood characters in modern American public life. Here he is seen as never before in the media - funny, engaging, open and downright on fire about getting the surprisingly stirring truth about what he calls our "planetary emergency" out to ordinary citizens before it is too late."
Source: www.climatecrisis.net/aboutthefilm

I dont know a lot about this sort of stuff, but I know that Im interested. I think I may just go along and watch this little flick, enjoy the wine and cheese provided and everything!! Im really just going for the free booze - that was a joke!

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