
10.1 weeks

I have a cold again for the 2nd time in this pregnancy!! I tell you what, I just can’t get a break!

If I’m not waking up and spewing during the night, I am constantly blowing my nose and wiping my eyes!

I screw my nose up at ANY sort of food you may suggest, and I am constantly hungry, I am never satisfied.

The only thing that is keeping me semi-sane is the fact that I am having a baby, and I don’t care what I have to go through, just so long as everything goes well and is fine with our bub.

It helps to see that little box on my blog with our little blob. Although, it is starting to look less and less like a blob, and more like an Ingram :)

We will have our first ultra sound in 2 weeks and I cannot wait. I just want to see it’s little heart beating, and see that everything is ok. I am so paranoid that I am not eating enough, and not eating enough of the ‘good stuff’.

I’m trying not to stress as that has no benefit whatsoever…but I am very conscience of every little thing I eat and drink.

We spent Saturday with family which was really nice. Russ and I went and saw the new place Robert and Kaylee are renting and they have set up their nursery already!!

They are having a little boy (found out last week) and they are only 5 weeks ahead of us, but I cannot bring myself to buy anything for our baby yet! I really want to go have a look at cots and prams and what not, but I can’t bring myself to do it. I just keep worrying about what would happen if we lost this one and I can’t bear to set up the nursery and then to take it down again.

I think we will leave it for a few months, and hopefully we will be well prepared by the time the baby comes.

At the moment, Russ is set on it being a boy, but I’m not too sure. Some days I feel like it’s a girl, and other days I feel like it could be a boy. So I’m not casting my vote yet.

I will start a competition later on as to who can guess the sex, date of birth, and time of birth.

We aren’t going to find out the sex, I would like a nice surprise after pushing it out for however many hours :)

Well, for now…I am off to make some Fruit Toast. One of the few things I can stomach (for the moment anyway!!)


Dodgy Pete said...

Bummer about the cold Bek. I've had one on and off for 3 weeks now.

Let us know when you need help setting up a nursery cause I'd love to help :)

Anonymous said...

praying 4 u
i wish i could find oslace in my pain, stupid girls stuff!
owie owie
luv ya heaps - not long now!!