
In Awe

"Here is a little mouth to kiss, here are little toes to play piggies with, here are little fingers to hold, and here is a little heart and soul to care for."
by Bek

Yesterday we met our little bub-o-luv. In the above pic you can see it's legs pushing up against the 'wall thing' and you can just see the fingertips...it was waving it's hand back and forth and she took the picture just as it was finishing. It was amazing!

This is the baby's heartbeat...which is apparantly perfect. It was sitting at 153bpm which is dead in the middle of 120 and 180 which are all considered normal.

The baby was also opening and closing it's mouth...it's a talker I reckon!! Taking after it's dad!!

This is baby's face. You can see it's eye sockets and mouth and the developing brain. Very alien like, and the midwife asked if we were scientologists!!
The whole experience was absolutely amazing. I didn't want her to stop and I just wanted to keep watching!
I hadn't expected her to find anything there...I thought it was all in my imagination, but from the very second she put the 'thing' on my belly, you could see it and it's little heart beating. It was truly humbling. Russ and I couldn't believe that this little baby is taking after us. It's going to look like us, have our traits!! It was amazing!
I cannot thank God enough for blessing us with this little treasure. It's scary to think about the fact that we are going to make mistakes and stuff things up. I don't want to ruin the poor thing! We are just trusting God with it all though.
There were so many thoughts and emotions that we were talking about it all day. I can't describe how amazing it was.
Anyway...I've now got to try and concentrate at work...I just want to go back and have another peek at our bub-o-luv!!!


Middo said...

*speechless* with a huge smile also.

Go you good things!

Anonymous said...


Sarah said...

Amazing! How come it has your maiden name on the ultrasound?

bek said...

'Cos I've been lazy and haven't changed it to my married name on my medicare card...I know I should do it...it's the last thing in my maiden name!!!!

Becs said...

wow those pics are awesome...im sitting in my classroom a lil teary...congrats and i cant wait to see u tonight
luv becs

Anonymous said...

awwwwww - and the little wave was the cherry on top of the icing!! Reminds me of a hand from peanuts (the comic strip) hehe.
Luv ya!