
Wild Child

You all know how I like to live on the edge?

Well, Friday was no exception!

I catch a train to work every morning. And last Friday I was feeling pretty good! I hadn't been sick all week and was starting to think things were starting to get a little better.

As the train pulled up to the platform, I felt a little bit 'off', but as the doors opened I thought, 'nah, I'm fine'. So I got on and sat down next to 2 men. As the train was taking off I came to the realisation that I wasn't fine and that I was going to be sick. Now, because I live life 'on the edge' all I had on me was my leather handbag and a tissue, boy was I praying!!

"God, please.....no.....please.....no......no.....no....."

Well, I swallowed and held on as long as I could, but it wasn't going to stay put. I quickly grabbed my tissue just in time. I cupped my hands and tried to hold on as best as possible. But that wasn't the least of it. My apple and guava juice came racing back to the top and all I could do was cup my hands and hope for the best. I let out a little groan and tried to ignore the disgusted looks coming my way. I headed towards the door wishing the train driver wasn't driving so slow.

I had to wait another 5mins till the next stop to which I quickly hopped off (hands still cupping my juice) and ran to the toilet. I cleaned myself up and got onto the next train, thankful that no-one on this train had seen what had happened!!

This morning as I was getting ready for work, I felt fine (again) but decided against 'living life on the edge' and packed a plastic bag in my bag. I got onto the train and all I could think about was what had happened on Fri. morning! I quickly grabbed my bag and started to puke about three-fold what I had on Fri. Once again, hugely embarrassed, I got off at the next stop.

I don't know how much longer this will last, but I sure hope it doesn't happen EVERY morning!!!

*sigh* - I'm loving this....truly.....


fletchboy said...

Hi Bek!
Well...sorry you had to walk through those experiences, but a bit of colloquial, non-scientific advice from Brenda, who has had multiple children and multiple miscarriages.... Strong morning sickness is a good thing. ;-) Megababy must be doing well to cause you so much grief! :-D

Hi to Russ, OK? BLESSINGS!


Dodgy Pete said...

Oh Bek that's gross. :) but like you and Fletch said a good thing. Hope you have more luck and good call with the taking a plastic bag :)

Anonymous said...

yeh, gross - but on a bek scale, not really :P
sounds good nonetheless