
Screw my hiatus

“The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it.”

- George Bernard Shaw

I wonder how true that statement is? Actually, in my opinion it is very true!

How often at church are people called cynics for having expressed a view or an observation?

When we were discussing baptism a few posts back, I was very tempted to call a certain person a cynic simply for the view they held. Rather they were simply expressing an observation they had made in their local church. I did not hold the same view, therefore in my mind, this person was instantly labled a cynic.

It is very hard to be on the receiving end of ‘an observation’. I have had people ‘observe’ my relationship with Russell, I’ve had people ‘observe’ how I handle myself at church, and I’ve had people ‘observe’ my relationship with God (as possibly as that is). I’ve had these people who have made these observations confront me about what they have seen. At the time I was really angry. I couldn’t believe that someone had been making a judgement call on my life to which they had no business doing! However, I believe God brought and brings those people along sometimes to point things out to us. I reacted so badly to what I was hearing because it was true, I just didn’t want to face it.

Have you ever been in a situation where you have made an observation and the response hasn’t been taken well?

I’ve had this happen a couple of times at church. I could see something that wasn’t quiet right, spoken to someone about it and had it blow up in my face! The first time it happened completely devastated and crushed me. I thought I had done the right thing in going to the person and talking about it. I hadn’t attacked anyone and was simply putting forward an observation I had made over the past couple of months. My view wasn’t heard and appreciated and I went on with life trying to forget what had happened. I started to believe that I was a cynic, a negative person, someone who couldn’t find the good in anything.

I don’t think that I was being a cynic. I have had a few of the same experiences since then and I was not being cynical or negative. I was simply expressing an observation. Just as my friend was/is with baptism.

I think the quote sums it up so well. How often do we jump down people throats when they have a different view or stance? We often do this in church, at work, and at home.

In the quote it mentions “accurate observation”. I think this is an essential part. It’s ok to have different opinions, but when someone makes an accurate observation, that’s usually when it strikes a nerve. You know it’s true, but you either don’t want to believe it or you don’t want to confront it. So the easy option is to have ‘a go’ at the person who made the observation.

Is there any way to get around this? Do you think it is possible for the human race to ever listen to each other? There probably wouldn’t be so many wars if people listened to each other I guess!

I do believe there are such people who are cynical and who are simply trying to cause trouble, and it’s hard to decipher when that’s happening. That’s when we need to take it to God I guess. Take him our thoughts and troubles and questions and let him decipher it for us. Then we can know when someone is simply being a cynic or if God has sent them along to point out something happening in our lives.


Dodgy Pete said...


Never a truer word was said.

Often when someone disagrees with us it's taken more as a personal attack. Sometimes it can be an attack, but usually it is just taken that way because we are insecure about something. Often people also rather than dealing with their insecurities make excuses for them or simply ignore or deny them. No one ever appreciates having this pointed out. At least not straight away.

To be able to accept criticism whether it's constructive or not, and make the most of it one needs to be secure in oneself, and willing to really see the faults. You need to really want to be the best you can be, which means accepting that we have faults, looking for them, and wanting to fix them.

Just my 2 bobs worth.

Go the hiatus!!

Becs said...

i think you make a really good point and i think it kinda goes with petes blog earlier about communication...if the observation or whatever is given in the wrong way then it can be taken the wrong way and how a person never meant for it to be taken (sry for the roundabout of words)
people are very quick to get angry when something is pointed out even when its delivered in 'love'...people are intitled to their differant opinions and views, not only that we are created to have differing opinions and views...maybe instead of reacting we need to stop, step back and access before reacting...

hope some of that made sense...
luv ya bek :)

Sarah said...

Yeah screw the hiatus :)

Where would be us bloggers be without the daily (or every few days) happenings of Bek?