
Laid Back v Anal

I’m a relatively laid back kinda person. I get my knickers in a knot when Jet attacks another dog, another dog attacks Jet, or when things don’t seem to be working the way I want them to be working.

At work you may remember there is another girl who is also pregnant. She is 3 months further along than me. Now, she is anal. I can’t sneak a little bit of food without her telling me off. Yesterday at morning tea there were spinach and fetta buns. As soon as I heard the words ‘spinach & fetta’ I leapt for one. My hand poised in the air I was met with a steely look.

“Don’t you dare, there is fetta in there. We can’t have fetta – it’s soft cheese.”

I quickly pulled my hand back and continued eating the red and blue lolly snakes and munching on hard cheese and crackers.

“It’s probably not real fetta”
“It’s probably just a flavouring they’ve used”

I reasoned

When Ms Preggers #1 wasn’t looking I snuck myself a bun. I had a couple of bites, was satisfied and then hid the evidence.

Now, before you all jump down my throat and tell me off for eating soft cheese, let me tell you that I didn’t see one piece of cheese in that bun and didn’t taste any of it either!

I am being very careful with what I eat.

“No Russell, I won’t eat the left-over chicken from last week”

“Yes Russell, I had breakfast this morning”

“No Russell, I won’t touch that soft delicious cheese. I will stop smelling it too”

“Yes Russell, I will stop sniffing the salami stick in Kate’s hand”

Actually, come to think of it, Russell is anal too! (I love that word. Anal. I could say it all day long)

This is so hard. All I want to eat is salami sticks, mounds of soft cheese (especially fetta & blue vein) and I am really really craving a glass of red wine. But, my bub-o-luv is worth the fast.

I tell you what. The moment this baby arrives, I will be celebrating with a glass of red wine and some matured soft cheeses.

Who’d like to join me!?


Dodgy Pete said...

I will. :)

I'm picturing you sitting at your desk repeatedly saying the word anal with your coworkers all staring at you like you've gone crazy.

Cause you are :)

Becs said...

count me in!!!

Anonymous said...

And then there is me... sarcastic. No soft cheese? Phhhhtt. I'm amazed I survived to be born. My mother ate soft cheese, liver, drank (kinda), soft boiled eggs...

*Shrug* Eat what you want. Of course, withing reason. But truly? A bit of brie is not going to do any major damage. All that stuff is just warnings for worst case senarios. So basically, don't eat a kilo a day of the stuff for three weeks. Probably not a good idea. Have a glass of red wine, TRULY, IT DOESN"T MATTER. I've done this 4 times now.

My mum came back froma wedding once, and said to me "You totally wish you were sitting at my table" Apparently, there was this couple who were prgnant with their first baby, and she was all like, can't eat this, can't drink that, can't do this blah blah blah. Mum had a hard time keeping a straight face... she could hear my comentarry in her head.

If you want to stay off those things, then that is ok too. Just letting you know that you aren't a bad mother if you eat a twiggy stick.

bek said...
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Middo said...

I'm in for ANY party that involves cheese!

I can even pick some up cheap at the Margs cheese factory.

I have to drive past it 4 days a week...I'm surprised I haven't gone broke yet.

bek said...

Soft boiled eggs??? What I didn't know that one!!

My doc said it's not life threatening to eat the stuff, just to be careful.

I'm trying!!!! I just keep finding out more and more stuff to not eat or do!!

I think I'd rather stay 'blissfully unaware'

Gareth Williams said...

I find it hard to imagine you'll be wanting a whole bunch of people in the delivery suite for a wine and cheese evening seconds after the birth.

bek said...

Well obviously I won't be Gaz!!

You will find it hard to separate me from the little one, but maybe a week or so after we can celebrate!

Fancy flying over for our little party?

Anonymous said...

u talking to me?
would love to! but when is she due (or he!)

will be coming for christmas =)

bek said...

Well, You AND gaz can both fly over!!

maybe I should organise one big blogger party!! We can all meet each other, sip wine and eat LOTS of cheese!!! oh, and hug little bub-o-luv!!!

Sarah said...

Yes blogger party sounds great. I want to come hehe! I'm not a wine or soft cheese person but I'll bring the chocolate :)