
Tears, fears, Rellies and Cameras

Preparations are quickly coming to a close this week.

My sister is getting married on Saturday and it is starting to hit home. It has come around so quickly and I don’t feel prepared at all!

I have been working on my speech for 4 weeks now. Usually I don’t have any trouble writing, but I am struggling to pull things together. I want it to be really good and to express exactly what I’m thinking and feeling, but I’m just so worried that it will flop.

We had the ceremony rehearsal on Tues. night and there were tears. Good and bad ones and lots of trips in the new shoes. All the girls have gone out since and bought ‘party feet’ hoping this will stop the shoes flying off down the aisle.

It is slowly coming together and after the rehearsal we all sat around at Jos and Kate’s new place putting together the bonbonnieres *fun*.

They’ve managed to get a place to rent in Cannington – they are renting off Jos’s uncle and they have pretty much been given free reign. They have been furiously painting these last few weeks and the place is looking very nice. They have bits of furniture dribbling in here and there and Kate is getting excited.

It is a huge thing for a couple who have not lived out of home (meaning still with parents) and who have not lived together! I was just as excited to ‘set up home’. All the female ‘domestic’ hormones set in, and it is fun to set up your own kitchen, laundry and rooms. You can do things how you like them and it is fun setting up your place when you get back from the honeymoon.

I look back on our first few weeks of marriage with fondness. We got married in winter and when we came back from our honeymoon we got home at about 1.30am. We quickly realised that we hadn’t been given a quilt and all we had was a sheet to keep us warm. I think we slept on a sofa in front of the gas heater for the night!

We were and are still very blessed. We house-sat my Associate Pastor's place while he was on long service leave. We didn’t have to have ANY furniture and we were able to save up a bit of money while we were there.

Kate and Jos are just as lucky. They are getting to rent this place for pretty much nothing and they will really be able to set themselves up and settle in.

I love weddings and I am getting more and more excited each day, and each day is going slower and slower.

We have relatives starting to dribble in from over east and I am trying to keep the house clean and tidy so that we can try fit 3 people in on Fri night! I don’t know how it’s going to happen considering we only have one spare bed, but we’ll figure it out! I’ll even be getting to see my little uncle (1yr younger than me) who I haven’t seen since I was 10!!! (14yrs ago) I’m so nervous!! I’ll also be having my cousin Smellise and her sister (also my cousin obviously) over which will be good to catch up with again!! Can’t wait to see you Lisey!!

Ah, I’m starting to get all excited, oh and I’m getting a tan! A spray on tan tomorrow night. I will try and find my camera so I can do a Photo Essay for you all of how to get a spray on tan! Hopefully I won’t go orange or yellow. I’m just getting it done to take away from the white glare of my legs. There will be plenty of before and after photos!

Which reminds me! I have been taking photos every 4wks or so of my belly. I will hopefully be able to find my camera (again) and post them up soon!

Anyway, if it’s a little quiet around here, you know why. I’m trying to find my camera ;)


Sarah said...

Ah that's starting to bring back (recent) memories of the crazy week before my wedding.

Oooh tan. I got one for my wedding but I had a trial the week before cos I was worried I was going to become an orange person. I got mine at One Hair and Body in Subi if you haven't already chosen anywhere. They do the most natural ones I'd ever seen.

Tom said...

sounds like its going to be great.
I'm long since forgotten the stress of preparing for a wedding ... but its all worth it as you know =)

be careful not to end up with an oompla loompa tan

Anonymous said...

i had a great time - you had no problem fitting us all in =)
You could have blown up a few more airbeds in your loungeroom.
I am so jelous of your lounge room - would love to have one that size (and with all that equipment) for the girls nights i have with the chicks from church. Your kids will be spoilt!