
Blogger is being nasty to me

I am currently having trouble loading any of the photos from Kate & Jos' wedding onto blogger, so hopefully I will be able to get it up and running soon!!

Otherwise click here - I don't know if this link will work....let me know in the comment section if it doesn't!!

I also had a couple of pics of my belly, but I will put them up once blogger decides to co-operate!

ALSO, another thing....I went into hospital yesterday lunch time as I had been having consistent "bad" cramps since Sun. night.

On the weekend we went to State Youth Games and had a blast! On the Sunday arvo I did ten pin bowling thinking that this would be an ok sport for a pregnant chick to do. What I didn't think about was that it is a heavy ball and that you use quite a bit of stomach muscle to hurl the jolly thing down the lane!

After the 2 games I had a splitting headache for the next 6 hours and started to have "bad" cramps. There are good and bad cramps in my books. The good cramps are the growing pains of pregnancy. You get cramps because your uterus is growing and stretching. I've had these every couple of weeks and was used to them. However, bad cramps are the cramps I had for about 3 days before my miscarriage in Jan. They are a whole other ball game and a heck of a lot more painful. They started Sun. night and kept going (still going) so I decided to call the hospital and ask what to do. I didn't want to be a nuisance if nothing ended up being wrong.

The nurse listened to all I described to her and looked at my past history. She started to get me even more worried by telling me to get into the emergency room within the next 4 hours. This got me even more worried and I started to cry. My manager at work practically packed up my desk and packed me into his car and dropped me off at the hospital where my mum met me.

I got checked and everything is ok. We got to listen to the heartbeat and so far so good. It would appear that I have been over doing it a bit and am just wearing my body down. I also tore some stomach muscles playing bowling so that was causing a bit of the pain. I was sent home and told to rest, but I managed to fit in a bit of grocery shopping some cleaning on the way :)

I am trying to rest and keep my body relaxed but it's really hard. I don't see what cleaning the house can do to cause anything, but if the doc wants me to take it easy, I will try my best.

The best thing is that everything is ok with the baby and it was really nice to listen to the heartbeat. It was amazing.

Anyway, I will hopefully be able to post pics up here soon and you will all get a photo essay on Russell's trip to the hospital at State Youth Games....it involve a knuckle from his finger being in a position it shouldn't be!!


Dodgy Pete said...

Glad to hear it's all going well, except for russ' knuckle :)

Middo said...

Glad to hear you are all good Bek.

Was good to see you guys, all be it briefly, at SYG. How GOOD is SYG! So much fun:)

Sarah said...

Eww no don't post pics of Russ's knuckle going walkabout! ;)

Who won SYG this year? Who did you go with?

Glad eveything's ok with bubs :)