

Well, I'm glad I started this knitting project last year, otherwise I wouldn't be anywhere near finishing it off in time.

Last year I wrote about a few of my sewing projects. I still haven't finished either my girl or boy blanket!

I saw my Granny on the weekend though and we only have to crochet 5 more squares and we should be finished on the girly blanket! We still have a heap to do for a boy blanket though.

I love the colours in both blankets and I am really just wanting to finish them off! I will have 2 blankets all for a cost of roughly $6 ea plus 'man hours' of hard work. But, it is worth it! It is so easy to do while sitting around at home watching tv. or on the train on the way to work.

Once my girl blanket is finished I will take a picture and post it and then when the boy blanket is eventually finished I will do the same.

These will be perfect for bundling up the baby in the pram or to lie on the floor on. I have a few from when I was born that I still use and they still keep you so warm!

From there, I have already sewn a few booties and I am getting my Granny to work on a little hat for the bub-o-luv.

Will see if I can coax one of my old dolls to model for you :)

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