
Dear Friend

Dear Friend,

Just wanted to write you a little letter because I saw you were upset at lunch time. I thought I might know what it was about so I thought I would try do a little something for you.

I know that nothing I can ever say will ever take your pain away. And I don’t want to say anything that hurts you any further, so I thought I would share something with you that helped me (a little) to heal from my pain.

One arvo I had been crying and crying about our baby and why things had happened the way they did and I just started thinking about my little one. I thought about the fact that it is now up in Heaven and in the hands of God. It was really hard for me to accept because I was blaming God for ‘taking’ my baby but when I thought about it, he was probably crying with me. I thought about God looking after my baby for me when I couldn’t. I couldn’t hold my baby and it was nice to think about the fact that my little one was in his hands and that God was just as upset about what had happened as I was.

I have no doubt whatsoever that your little baby is up in heaven too. I’m sure our two little ones are friends!!! What with cool mums like us they would have to be!!! :)

I hope this doesn’t all sound ‘airy fairy’ and stupid, but for me it was a way for me to find some sort of peace in my life. While I have good days I also still have really bad days when I just want to scream and shout and cry for hours on end. But I also have good days and I just want you to know that your not alone.

Friend, you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. That is no lie! Honestly, I wake up some mornings with you on my mind and I hope that you’re doing ok and I pray for you. I pray that you and Mr. are drawn closer through this and I pray for both of your hearts to be healed.

I think I might stop writing because I don’t want to say anything to upset you or to make you feel stupid. I don’t want to patronize you at all. I just want you to know how much you are on my mind at the moment and that if you ever want to talk to me or email me (easier than talking sometimes) feel free. I’m always up for a chin wag :)

Thinking of you,

PS – Friend didn’t tell me anything, I could just tell…female intuition I guess :)


Sarah said...

Oh that was so sad yet so beautiful at the same time. I'm sure your friend was blessed by it and I hope she's ok. It's not the other pregnant chick at your work is it?

bek said...

No it wasn't. She is due in early Aug, so if it had of been her, I don't think I could say anything to her! That would be a huge thing if that happened now!!