
Just quickly...

I have been seething with anger for a while now. So, be warned, I am just airing some thoughts and throwing them out here, ‘cos I’m sick of them taking up so much brain space.

I am sick of heretical pastors.

Wait, how can I put that nicely?

I’m serious. I am tired of hearing about pastors who are out there teaching heresy and then their churches filling by the 1000’s. Why does God allow this to happen? Why is it that a pastor can preach heresy and no-one picks them up on it? They just keep going along their merry way hurting people and no-one does anything about it!?

I hear about different pastors and some of the things they are preaching and doing to people and I feel so helpless. I get frustrated because I cannot stand by and let them get away with it, but I am in no position to be talking to them about it. Who am I? Bek, that’s it. I hold no position of authority and I certainly don’t have any ground to stand on.

I said to Russell on Mon. night that Paul or Peter would have just written them a letter! Why can’t I just write a letter to some churches…because I’m not in any position to do so.

So, what do I do then? Do I just let it go? Try and get over it? But I don’t feel that I can just let it go! This sort of stuff gets right into my gut and I get so frustrated over the injustice of it all. Why is it that good, decent, Godly pastors seem to struggle and yet the men who are arrogant and control-freaks seem to ‘make it’.

Why does this happen and is there anything I can do about it?

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Why? I don't know, it's a bit like asking "Why does God allow evil and suffering to exist?" In the end, God will put everything right but it sure doesn't make it easy right now when people are being led astray and suffering.

In regards to whether you should confront pastors, I'd say yes if it's a church you attend or have visited. Then you have more ground to stand on rather than simply if you've heard about a church full of heresy. Confront out of love (very hard I know) and by that I mean out of your concern for the people and for that pastor as well. Is there a particular church/pastor in mind or were you just meaning generally? Would Russell do it for you?

Someone I know left her church last year because of dodgy teaching. When I asked her whether she talked to any of the leaders about it, she said no and it sounded like she'd just left in a huff and told nobody why. I think some Bible teachers really just don't know about their 'bad' teaching, they know no different. That doesn't make it right but it shows that guidance can be a good thing if it is done out of love.