
What rules your life?

Fear rules my life.

I live with the constant worry of things that I cannot control.

Yesterday our Pastor preached on the fact that we can be free from fear.

We read the passage about Peter walking on water (Matt 14:22-35). I dwelt on the fact that the disciples were all in fear of what was going on around them. And after Peter stepped out on the water and started to sink, Jesus reached out and grabbed him.

I don’t believe it would have just been a simple hand up, but a full body grab and pull. Jesus wrapped around Peter and pulled him out of his hopelessness.

I felt God saying that he wanted me to start getting up earlier and spend some time with him. So I dragged my groggy butt out of bed this morning at 5.30am. I got up, made a cup of tea, sat in front of the heater and prayed and read the Bible.

I prayed that God would let me read what he wanted me to read and that I would learn something this morning. God lead me to read 1 Samuel 1+2. It was about Hannah who was barren prayed for God to give her a son, and that she would hand over her son to the service of God for the rest of his life.

What a brave move! But God heard her prayer and blessed her with a son, Samuel.

After reading this I headed to the Psalms and read a few of them.

I then got to spend however long in prayer. Usually my prayers are rushed as I don’t have any time, but seeing as I got up an hour earlier, I had all the time in the world.

(You may wonder how these 2 passages are linked…stay with me here!)

After yesterday’s message about letting go of fear and giving it over to God, and the passage this morning of Hannah giving over her son, I felt God saying that he knows the fears I have for our children and that I just need to give it over to him. I felt God's nudging and had to respond.

I have all these different things I think and worry over in my life, and I just need to take the burden of them and hand them over. So I did. And it felt unreal.

When Russell got up he said “I don’t like your attitude this morning…you’re too chirpy!”

I hope I can just remember how good I felt this morning tomorrow at 5.30am!

So, what rules your life? Is there something you need to be handing over to God?

I have not been abandoned, no I have not been
Deserted and I have not been forgotten

I need you
I need you here
I need you now
I need security somehow
I need you
Like you would not believe
You're the only thing I want
Cause you're everything, everything I need

Relient K


Jen said...

What always struck me about that story of Peter was that he never once doubted Jesus... he took his eyes off the Lord and focussed on what was going on around him...what made him sink was that he stopped believing in himself and what he was doing that Christ had told him he could do.

Jen said...
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Jen said...

that was me... I posted it twice.