
Delayed pics

You may remember a couple of weeks ago, we celebrated our anniversary. The next day I had some pics I wanted to put up, but blogger was being nasty (that's like 3 times now!!) and I couldn't put up any of the pics.

Anyway, it is working today, and here are a few pics from the night....don't worry, nothing scary!

When I got off the train, I climbed up the escalator to see my man standing there waiting for me with a bouquet of flowers.....aawwww....how movie like :)
(I made him re-enact it for me for a pic...he wasn't very happy)
The lovely flowers

I then decided to take a couple of quick snaps of my belly.
19 weeks along

Full scale


Jen said...

You are so freaking tiny! I understand the straw with a bubble in it now! *wink*

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful - everything! :-)

bek said...

*shucks* thanks guys :)