
need some soap?

Upon further ponderance from this post on Vawz's blogspot. Not about the scooter business, but about the language business.
Now, dont go thinking Im trying to tell anyone what to do... Im not. This is purely my thoughts, and they are not to be taken as Gospel (no pun intended)
I know that times are changing, and that we as Christians should always try and be relevant, but since when did it become ok for us to use bad language? I know you could be the most full on, passionate, christian, but how do you justify your language?
I know I will probably be heavily criticised for this, may even be called a goody-2-shoes, but, I honestly dont understand, since when has it been ok? Why is it ok? What are the reasons for using it?
Words can pierce someone, and can effect people for years.
I know what a struggle it is. Believe me, I know! Sometimes it seems that "swear words" express our emotions perfectly! But thats no excuse. Im sorry if your thinking Im some harsh legalistic twit, but Im drawing a line in the sand, and this is something Im not willing to cross.


Sarah said...

I agree. What you're saying aint harsh and legalistic. My family aren't Christian and I grew up hearing swear words all the time .People might have thought I looked sweet and innocent but I was a chick with a foul mouth. Since becoming a Christian, it's still a struggle but God worked on my heart - now I know it's not right. Our words are meant to build each other up in Christ and how could swearing do that? Some people think that if Christians swear it will help us connect with non Christians, show them that Christianity is changing and relevant. But I've found that non Christians notice when Christians don't swear simply cos everyone else does and sometimes it can even make them ask why we are different. I still struggle with what's a swear word and what's not though eg. some people think crap is a swear word, but I don't, so who's right?

bek said...

i think thats when the line begins to get a little blurry for a lot of us. Who decides whats ok and what isnt? i guess it comes down to personal opinion, and what your comfortable with. but i definately know that struggle