You Are From Jupiter |
![]() You are exuberantly curious - and you love to explore newness. Enthusiastic and optimistic, you get a kick out of stimulating intellectual discussions. Foreign cultures and languages fascinate you. You love the outdoors, animals, and freedom. Chances are you tend to exaggerate, so try to keep a lid on that. If you do, you'll continue to be known for your confidence, generosity, and sense of justice. |
What planet are you from?
Sneaky feelings
I’m getting a sneaky feeling that God is telling me to do something that I don’t want to do. (I hate it when he does that!)
This is going to be really hard to admit, and Russell is going to be overjoyed I can tell.
*deep breath in* I think… God may be wanting me…(I don’t think I can say it!)… to stay at our current church (WHY GOD WHY!!).
*deep breath out*
I don’t know, I don’t know! It feels like all these doors are opening up and I don’t know if its God trying to hint something or if it is just my imagination. Now I’m torn though. Why did God move us all the way down to Waikiki only to keep our lives based up north? I just don’t get it!
I hate it when this sort of stuff happens. I can just hear Russell saying ‘I told you so’ all the way from QLD. Ugh…I hate this.
I will update on further sneaky feelings as they come along
Customer Service down the drain
What is it with customer service these days – it is non-existent that’s what!
Is anyone else noticing how much we let big company’s and businesses treat us so poorly? They need us to have a business and yet we continually let them treat us rudely and as though we are not important.
When I used to work in hospitality and retail the customer was always right. If a customer had a complaint we (I) dealt with it to the satisfaction of the customer. The retail shop I used to work in said that it was better to give a customer a refund on an item, no matter how long ago they bought it, or you exchanged it, whatever the customer wished. It is better to keep a customer happy then it is to have them go elsewhere.
Has this stopped somewhere along the line in some company’s training? Also, why do we as customers continue to let company’s treat us this way? I am constantly baffled to hear of people letting company’s get away with treating them like dirt – when they need us!
Example 1: A company does not deliver on its promise to deliver a product on a certain date. They deliver it 1 week later and expect to be paid for a delivery fee. Rather than waive the fee for the customer they expect the customer to pay it….and we let them get away with it!
I had a little situation recently where this happened. We were told that a product we paid for upfront would be delivered within 4-7 days…it didn’t happen. Then they said 7-10 days for delivery…it didn’t happen. After another phone call asking about our order we got told at the latest another 5 days. I got a phone call today saying it had arrived and that we could go pick it up. I asked for free delivery because they had caused a great inconvenience to us and they had not delivered within the timeframe they said. They flat out refused to accept any responsibility and kept saying we would have to pay the fee. Now most people I know/work with would have left it there, paid for the delivery and gone on with life. Not me! We cant continually let businesses treat us like this! So, I took it another step further. After getting no-where with the manager of the store, I went to her State Manager, and then to the Head Office. They are delivering the product tomorrow…free! All it took was a few phone calls and a little patience and determination (and a threat to go to consumer protection).
I don’t think I was out of line in this situation. I am not ripping off the company and I am not trying to get away with doing a dodgy. I am their customer. Every customer in businesses eyes should be treated special and with some decent customer service. I did not raise my voice or yell or call people names, but I demanded my rights as a customer.
Do you let company’s and businesses treat you poorly? Do you have a similar situation? What was the outcome? Are you someone who doesn’t bother taking it further? If so, why? I would love to hear your stories all!
I am starting a new revolution! A revolution where customers receive their dignity back and are treated with basic respect. They need us after all!
Quote for the day
"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."
- George Washington
Rechargeable Water
This looks really cool.
I wonder if they are selling it 'Down Under' yet?
There is now another person to think about
I don’t suspect that this will be a long post or an insightful one as the title is pretty self-explanatory.
This is the 3rd instalment in my series on what I have learnt in my 2yrs of marriage. You would think that going into marriage you would acknowledge that there is someone else you now have to think about, hey, you would even think you would realise this simply by dating, but I obviously didn’t.
I can be extremely independent when I want. If I want to lift a dang heavy object on my own, I will try every possible avenue to move the blasted thing before admitting I need help. Some may call this being stubborn. I call it ‘trying’ to be independent. Maybe that wasn’t a good example. If I want to go somewhere or if I want to buy something, it is hard to think past what I want and extremely hard to think about what we want to do or what we need money for.
After spending a few years working and studying and using my money for myself and going wherever I want to go, its been a real learning curve for me to think about someone else. Even while dating we sort of shared our money, but the money I earned was mine and Russell’s was Russell’s. If I wanted to go away for a weekend with friends or spend a night having coffee with a girlfriend, I did it. Same went for Russell. Now, however we have to think about the other person. I cant just do as I please nilly willy any more, now I have to think about Russell.
I guess this causes some of the troubles that I spoke about in this post. Instead of being a lot more free to see friends and spend time with single and marrieds alike, we now have to structure our social lives around each other. Since the only time we get to spend together is scarce, I’m afraid our social lives have turned scarce also. It is much easier if we are able to spend time together with a group of people than it is one-on-one, and that would probably be the reason for many of the lapses with some of my close friends.
So, I know how have to think of someone else:
- With my time
- With my money
- and also with my habits
Just because I want to have a bubble bath once a week, doesn’t mean Russell does. Just because I want to walk around the backyard with not much on, doesn’t mean Russell does. Just because I am in a bad mood and want to stay in bed all day – doesn’t mean Russell does. Now, I personally don’t think those are really bad or if you could even call some of them habits, but I’m too gutless to mention any real habits. You get my drift though don’t you!?!
Even though it’s hard to put aside what I want it is a necessity for marriage – I believe anyway. You cant spend your life with someone, constantly putting yourself before your husband/wife. We are taught in Sunday school about thinking of others first, but it is so easy to grow out of this, particularly in our consumer driven society these days.
Most of this post is kind of leading into the next instalment of ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees’. They really go hand-in-hand. So I will leave this post for now, as I’m pretty sure you all get the drift. If you don’t…then I don’t know what else I can say, so stiff bikkies.
Also, if you have an experience you would like to share…leave it in a comment.
If you have another bullet point…stick it in a comment!
If you want to just say whatever the heck you feel like…say it in a comment!
Have a good one all!
Courtesy of Dodgy Pete - not that its really dodgy
A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He reduced altitude
and spotted a woman below. He descended a bit more and shouted,
"Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an
hour ago but I don't know where I am."
The woman below replied, "You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately
30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude."
"You must be in Information Technology," said the balloonist.
"I am," replied the woman, "how did you know?"
"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is probably technically correct, but I've no idea what to make of your information and the fact is, I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help at all. If anything, you've delayed my trip."
The woman below responded, "You must be in Management."
"I am," replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?"
"Well," said the woman, "you don't know where you are or where you're going.
You have risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise, which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my bloody fault."
Vegemite Moisturiser
While waiting for our KFC lunch a couple of Sundays ago we had the following conversation, which on reflection I find quite funny.
Me: (sniffing hand) Do you ever think your skin smells like vegemite?
Russ: No (said disgustedly)
Me: I think mine does sometimes. I like it. Does yours?
Russ: No, now stop sniffing. You always sniff everything!
Me: (continues sniffing) I wonder why it does that.
Russ: Stop sniffing!
Me: (stops sniffing) The smells gone now anyway
Russ: *sigh*
Happy 2nd Anniversay Doll #2
The below was just a little reminiscing :)
I just wanted to say to my love that I love him and that I miss him and I wish he were home with me now (even though Im at work)
I dont regret one bit this day 2 years ago and I feel truly blessed to have found you so young and that we are on this journey together.
Even though it feels like we are constantly screwing things up I hope you know I dont mind being a screwup with you :)
You accepted me with all my shortcomings and you never fail to make me feel special. I love you.
And Im sorry to all those out there for being so mushy!
The singledom of Heaven
While we’re on the topic of marriage, I would just like to air my concerns about the way we (specifically the church) deal with marriage and singleness.
It seems (to me) that in the church we don’t know what to do a) with singles (by that I mean small groups etc) and b) with people who are never going to marry. We treat everyone as though we/they will all get married and live happily ever after! Not everyone is going to get hitched! For some people its just not going to happen…and its ok. Why do we pity single people and continually tell them "It’ll be ok, you just haven’t met the right person yet". What if they never meet the right person? Is that ok? As you sit here reading this, does that sit ok with yourself?
Before I was married I felt like a diseased person and I even started to think that something was wrong with me because I didn’t have a boyfriend. I was 18! I will never forget the time when I sat down to a family meal (as we did every night) and we held hands to say grace and dad prayed "Dear God, we pray that Bek doesn’t become an old maid. Amen" Now I know he was joking and we all laughed but at 19/20 it doesn’t help! I think Russ and I had only been together a few months and there was this huge pressure to get married. I still don’t believe that we were rushed down the aisle, but I do think in the back of our minds we were thinking, "We’ve been together 2yrs, we should be getting married soon".
The whole "the grass is always greener" thing doesn’t stop once your married. Russell and I had been married for a whole 10 months and were celebrating my 22nd birthday when my mum piped up and said, "I was pregnant with you when I was your age". Now, I don’t want to be giving the impression that my parents are horrible people who find enjoyment in saying silly things. Mum was once again joking, and if your around our family much you’ll understand how much we poke fun at each other and constantly stir each other. But once again the thought had been planted in my mind that we should be having kids.
So you end up looking forward to getting married, you think that it will satisfy your longing, and then you wind up finding yourself thinking that it wasn’t enough and that you are now longing for the next stage in life…kids. This is a whole side issue but what I am trying to say is that no matter how much you think you just want to get married or you just want to have kids, there’s always something else.
The other issue with this is what do we (as a church or individually) have in place at church or in our community that accomodates single people? My granny is having trouble fitting into a small group because she is single. She finds it really hard to be in a small group with just married couples. She constantly feels like she is the odd bodd for not being married. She left a small group in QLD of ladies her age who were all single and it was the most rewarding small group for her, but now she is at a loss as to what to do. Her circumstance is a common one.
Back to church and singles. Instead of trying to answer this myself, I’m going to throw the question out to you…why do we constantly treat singles like their missing out on something? Why do we instantly think that the 'normal' thing to do is to get married, and why is it such a big deal if people don’t? What are some of your ideas that we could implement at church to stop this vicious cycle? Does your church have something in place already? Does it work well? Is it something we might find valuable…go on share it with us! My last question…what is it that you personally can do to stop being a negative influence (if you think you have been or are on) on the lives of young and old alike who are single?
The first 6 months isn't always what its cracked up to be
Now this whole post may sound very contradicting to my last post…but there is a method to this madness!
In my last post I was talking about the fact that no matter how long you’ve been married the honeymoon doesn’t have to end.
I hope I don’t freak people out with this post, but when Russ and I got married we thought everything would be hunky dory. We heard all the lovey dovey stories and couldn’t wait till we got to spend the rest of our lives together. We’re still glad that we get to spend our lives together, but what we didn’t expect were the adjustments we both had to make. During marriage counselling and through talking to other young ‘marrieds’ we never heard once about the fights and the adjusting, oh no, they decided to tell us this after, and only when we brought up the fact that we had been fighting so much with close friends did we realise that it happens to everyone!
We were expecting everything to be roses at least for the first 6 months and then we expected to actually put work and effort into the marriage (doesn’t mean the honeymoons over!). Boy were we wrong! I have never fought with someone so much! We were arguing over the most silly things, such silly things that we couldn’t remember what we fighting about 1hr later!
One arvo things got particularly heated and I decided to grab Russell’s car keys (Ford EA Falcon Wagon – these things are huge) and go for a drive. I stormed out to the car, reversed out of the garage onto the driveway when Russell came out and sat on the bonnet of the car thinking I wouldn’t leave. He was silly enough to think that that would stop me! Heh was he wrong. Whilst he was sitting on the bonnet smirking to himself, I accelerated quickly forward which knocked him into the window, then quickly reversed as fast as I could which rolled him off the car. He wasn’t happy and as I proceeded down the street victorious, he gave me a lovely couple of finger signs for all the neighbours to see. When I came back I apologised for trying to kill him and was well again…for the next few hours at least.
Through all the slamming walls and yelling matches we had we made it through unscathed. We grew during this time and became closer and are now experts at sorting out ‘disagreements’, even if we still stuff up on a regular basis.
I guess I just wanted to share our experience of our first 6 months because no-one shared with us. It is a huge adjustment and no-one ever mentions it! Even though logically you know that you are moving in with a new person and that you each do things differently, I don’t think it really hits home till its too late. I wish people had of told us the reality of the situation we were stepping into. Instead of only talking about the fantastic times, share the rough times too. This doesn’t mean you have to tell everybody if your not comfortable, but at least tell those you are close to who may be going through the same thing. We constantly talk about being a community (in the church circles anyway) but we are all so closed off to each other its not funny.
I want to encourage people. Single people, dating people, engaged people, married people. Its not all doom and gloom, but its not always what its cracked up to be. The grass is always greener. Whether your single or married, not that I don’t love being married, but some days I look back at things I wish I could have done while I was single – but anyway, life is short. Enjoy the moment your in now. Rejoice in the stage of life your at. God has it all under control, its hard to trust that I know!
A specific note to any engaged people out there. HAVE FUN! If you find yourself getting sick of fighting (once married) try to take a step back, breathe, and have fun sorting things out! It will get better! I promise! Plus its all worth it in the end. I just don’t want you to have a nasty surprise and get depressed and think you’re the only couple going through this. Have fun on your wedding day and have fun learning to live with each other!!
Quote for the day
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
State Youth Games Photos #1
State Youth Games Photos #2
State Youth Games Photos #3



one in a million...or make that ten
I have a one in a million small group.
We have started reading 'Captivating' by Stasi Eldridge, upon completion of reading 'Wild at Heart' by her husband John.
It was great going through the book and seeing things from both the male and female perspective. It was great last thurs. night to see the guys serious faces as we girls talked, and it dawned on me just how confused guys are about the female sex (was just reading Middos post called 'missing genes' and it reminded me of this).
As we 'women' explained how we feel about certain issues, it felt so good to try explain things to the guys. They were genuinely interested too!
I, as a chick, have often laughed at how guys think women are so complex, but it wasnt until we started discussing it seriously that it dawned on me how just how serious it is that guys just dont get it! This isnt their fault though! And its not the girls fault either.
The other thing I picked up on is the constant feeling that we (girls/women) have to excuse our behaviour. That it is looked down upon for being emotional, yet it is the very thing that makes us special and different to men. We are led by our emotions more than our heads (we are all different though and some of us are the other way around, but for the majority...) and that is perfectly fine! So many times we apologise and excuse this part of us and we never let it surface. We continually push it deep down inside of us and try to be 'strong'.
For example: I refuse to allow myself to cry. I hate crying. I see it as a form of weakness. I often find myself having to literally swallow down tears, yet I shouldnt have to. We as women are made in God's image, God has an emotional side too!
We have only read the first chapter so far, and if I continually keep getting so much out of this book, then it will be fantastic! I have already read this book once before, but I have greatly benefited from being able to share experiences and thoughts with other chicks and also with guys. I will continue to post on my thoughts as we continue to go on with this book hopefully.
If your a guy out there who has a question about us women, feel free to ask me. Comment as Mr. Annonymous for all I care!! It is better to ask then to not know. It can never hurt to try!
And to my small group...I love you all and I appreciate all the love and support you surround me with!! xoxoxxo
Quote for the day
" If the Creator had a purpose in equipping us with a neck, he surely meant us to stick it out"
- Arthur Koestler
from my dodgy friend pete (again)
Shower Protocol
How To Shower Like a Woman
Take off clothes and place them sectioned in laundry basket according to lights and darks.
Walk to bathroom wearing long dressing gown. If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposedareas.
Look at your womanly physique in the mirror - make mental note to do more sit-ups/leg-lifts, etc.
Get in the shower.
Use face cloth, arm cloth, leg cloth, long loofah, wide loofah and pumice stone.
Wash your hair once with cucumber and sage shampoo with 43 added vitamins.
Wash your hair again to make sure it's clean.
Condition your hair with grapefruit mint conditioner enhanced.
Wash your face with crushed apricot facial scrub for 10 minutes until red.
Wash entire rest of body with ginger nut and jaffa cake body wash.
Rinse conditioner off hair.
Shave armpits and legs.
Turn off shower.
Squeegee off all wet surfaces in shower.
Spray mould spots with Tile cleaner Get out of shower.
Dry with towel the size of a small country.
Wrap hair in super absorbent towel.
Return to bedroom wearing long dressing gown and towel on head.
If you see husband along the way, cover up any exposed areas.
How To Shower Like a Man
Take off clothes while sitting on the edge of the bed and leave them in a pile.
Walk naked to the bathroom. If you see wife along the way, shake willy at her making the 'woo-woo' sound.
Look at your manly physique in the mirror. Admire the size of your willy and scratch your bum.
Get in the shower.
Wash your face.
Wash your armpits.
Blow your nose in your hands and let the water rinse them off.
Fart and laugh at how loud it sounds in the shower.
Spend majority of time washing privates and surrounding area.
Wash your bum, leaving those coarse bum hairs stuck on the soap.
Wash your hair.
Make a Shampoo Mohawk.
Rinse off and get out of shower.
Partially dry off.
Fail to notice water on floor because curtain was hanging out of bath the whole time.
Admire willy size in mirror again.
Leave shower curtain open, wet mat on floor, light and fan on.
Return to bedroom with towel around waist.
If you pass wife, pull off towel, shake willy at her and make the 'woo-woo' sound again.
Throw wet towel on bed.
For better or worse
I realized that my posts haven't been very meaty recently and decided to post something for people to chew...or at least (hopefully) something decent to read.
In 2 weeks we will have been married 2 years. I would still say we are newlyweds (but we cant say that after June 25th).
Therefore, I thought I might post about the things I have learnt since getting married.
First in bullet form, and then I shall go into a bit more depth in a mini blog series:
- The honeymoon doesn’t have to end when you get home
- The first 6 months isn't always what its cracked up to be
- There is now another person to think about
- Money doesn’t grow on trees and bills suck
- I cant expect my husband to be like my dad
- Everyone’s marriage is different
- The real meaning of being submissive and loving
- and anything else that comes to mind later on
Firstly - The honeymoon doesn’t have to end when you get home.
I would like to start by pointing out that this is all based on my perspective. It is not necessarily what others may have experienced, and it is not necessarily Russell’s perspective either. I’m writing from my experience and my points of view – doesn’t mean that what I say is to be taken as fact.
When Russell and I got back from our honeymoon and went to church for our first Sunday as a married couple (I always dreamt about that Sunday when I was younger - I would watch newlyweds come to church for the first time and wonder what it would be like getting ready for church in your OWN place with your HUSBAND) from the pulpit the pastor announced we were back and said "the honeymoons over guys and now the real work starts". I remember sitting there thinking - "what an encouraging comment to make to someone who's just got married!"
I HATE it when people make these sort of comments. As Christians, shouldn’t we be encouraging rather than trying to set us up for disappointment? The honeymoon doesn’t have to end! Just because you have come home and are settling into a new lifestyle, doesn’t mean that we can get slack and start to forget the blessing it is to be married*.
Even though we fought quite a bit in our first few months of marriage, doesn’t mean that we wanted to forget how it felt on our honeymoon. We couldn’t believe that we were finally married! 1yr after our wedding I was still turning to Russell in the mornings saying "I cant believe your back from Qld and that we're married!"
I think it all depends on how you look at life and the different circumstances you find yourself in. If you look at marriage the way society looks at it, then of course its going to eventually….'suck'. When you only have the viewpoint that marriage is just a piece of paper, then of course you’re going to have major foundational issues – I digress.
Back to my biggest gripe…Christians. Such wonderful people aren’t we? (I’m half joking half serious). Why do we celebrate when young people get hitched, and then when the couple come back from hibernation we tell them all doom and gloom. I love being married (I don’t say this intending to hurt people by rubbing my marriedness in their face) its true – I love my husband and I love the journey we are on. Our mistakes and our victories. I love the fact that sometimes we have the most disgusting meals because I decide to experiment. I love the fact that we are getting better at resolving issues, and I love the fact that we can do it all together. I guess what I’m trying to say is that even though we may not physically be away on a honeymoon on some island, we can still have the same spirit. I can choose to look at some of the situations we have got ourselves into, eg. Routine, financial instability, etc and I can say that life is too hard and that marriage is just one hard slog or I can look at it from the perspective that we can learn from our mistakes, and that at least we are making these mistakes together.
I’m not trying to claim to have all the answers, and who knows, in 10 years I may be singing a different tune, but for now, I am hoping that every year will continue to get better. Here are a couple of little things that Russ and I do to ensure that we still have that ‘honeymoon’ feelin’.
- Go on a regular date. Sometimes once a month, or once every quarter.
This doesn’t have to be too strict, but its easier if you put aside time on the calendar, that way when things ‘pop up’ you can easily say ‘NO’ - Say ‘I love you’ and mean it
Don’t just say it to fill in the silence - Take a moment to look at things from either a positive or negative perspective
- Thank God for bringing us together
- Try not to get too stuck in a routine
This happens really easy so its important to try keep the ‘passion’ alive
If anyone out there have any other insights feel free to comment as I know I have probably stuffed this whole post up and forgotten a lot of points. If you disagree with me, feel free to bring it up…we can all learn a new thing or two!
Look out for the next instalment, The first 6 months isn't always what it’s cracked up to be.
*Im not trying to say that singles aren't blessed
Server crash
Sorry all for the lack of posts (once again) but I have a real valid excuse this time! My server took a nose dive roughly around midday on Fri so I havent been able to do anything at work all week!
Things should be back up and running now though!!
29 Lines to make you smile (once again from Petey!)
Ive put in bold the ones I think are amazingly funny, but they're all funny.
1.. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought
he was God and I didn't.
2.. I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
3.. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
4.. I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
5.. Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
6.. You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me
7.. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
8.. Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
9.. I'm not a complete idiot -- Some parts are just missing.
10.. Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
11.. NyQuil, the stuffy, sneezy, why-the-heck-is-the-room-spinning
12.. God must love stupid people; He made so many.
13.. The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
14.. Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.
15.. Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
16.. Being "over the hill" is much better than being under it!
17.. Wrinkled Was Not One of the Things I Wanted to Be When I Grew up.
18 . Procrastinate Now!
19.. I Have a Degree in Liberal Arts; Do You Want Fries With That?
20.. A hangover is the wrath of grapes.
21.. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance.
22.. Stupidity is not a handicap. Park elsewhere!
23.. They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken.
24.. He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless DEAD.
25.. A picture is worth a thousand words, but it uses up three
thousand times the memory.
26.. Ham and eggs...A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment
for a pig.
27.. The trouble with life is there's no background music.
28.. The original point and click interface was a Smith & Weston.
29.. I smile because I don't know what the hell is going on.
My hidden talent
Your Hidden Talent |
![]() You have the power to persuade and influence others. You're the type of person who can turn a whole room around. The potential for great leadership is there, as long as you don't abuse it. Always remember, you have a lot more power over people than you might think! |
Wow, it has been so long since I updated here!
Where have I been I hear you all ask!
WELL….where to start? Last week I was off from work ALL week sick. I was attacked by the common cold (stinkin flu vacc didn’t work) but it lasted ALL week! Then Russ and I headed down to
Bunbury for State Youth Games. I will post on this later with pictures and what not.
I got to meet some great new people down at SYG. We had the biggest team Bull Creek has ever taken down, 24 people (I think). There were so many new faces I had trouble trying to meet everybody! We met a great couple, Asher and Jaye. They have been married for a year and I feel like I’m getting old! I think they just turned 20/21 and I kept saying to Russell they are so young to be married, forgetting that we were married roughly around their age. They are an amazing couple and I really enjoyed getting to know them. You know when you meet some people, conversation and relationship just seems to flow? That’s what it was like with them, easy! A friendship that is just natural. We didn’t get to spend as much time as we would have liked with them, but we are hoping to be able to catch-up in the ‘real world’. They have a good head on both of their shoulders and I am looking forward to catching up with them.
There were other great new people we met, Brittney, Greg, David (x2), and I cant even remember the names of some of the others. It was just too busy of a weekend to sit down and have decent conversations with everyone!
Anyway, I’m not posting about SYG yet.
Mum and Dad got back on Sat. night while we were away and are slowly getting the house organised and unpacking and cleaning etc. Dad has transformed his beard into a goatee thingy. Dru is absolutely massive now, he must be over 6ft I reckon! They all seem happy and healthy though and it is good to have them back! Happy Birthday to mum today too!!
What else has happened this month? Nothing much I don’t think. Oh, I’m taking a little break from church, just taking a few weeks off, I plan to visit a couple of different churches, I’m not exactly sure which ones, but I am hoping to still go to a Sunday service instead of sitting around home.
Jet is getting bigger and bigger! He still has issues in the toilet training department as we found out this morning! One massive pee on our bed (I’m gonna kill that dog!) another massive pee in the laundry about 2 mins later, and then 2 mins after that he took a huge dump at the front door entry!! AAAHHHH!!!! I didn’t think he had that much room in his bladder, but he just kept going!
Anyways, I hope to be a bit more current with my posting. Look out for the SYG wrap and photos!
BBQ Rules - passed on from Mr Pete
BBQ Rules according to Pete :)
We are about to enter the summer and BBQ season. Therefore it is important to refresh your memory on the etiquette of this sublime outdoor cooking activity, as it's the only type of cooking a 'real' man will do, probably because there is an element of danger involved.
When a man volunteers to do the BBQ the following chain of events are put into motion:
(1) The woman buys the food.
(2) The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables, and makes dessert.
(3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along with the
necessary cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man who is lounging
beside the grill - beer in hand.
Here comes the important part:
More routine....
(5) The woman goes inside to organize the plates and cutlery.
(6) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is burning. He thanks her and
asks if she will bring another beer while he deals with the situation.
Important again:
More routine....
(8) The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins, sauces, and brings
them to the table.
(9) After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.
And most important of all:
(10) Everyone PRAISES the MAN and THANKS HIM for his cooking efforts.
(11) The man asks the woman how she enjoyed "her night off." And, upon seeing her
annoyed reaction, concludes that there's just no pleasing some women....