
A day in the life of an email of our small group

A little insight into how our small group interacts and organises things…

I thought the following email trail was really funny:

The emails all began from Ali, our fearless leader. We are planning to go away just after Christmas into the new year. Here is how we try and communicate what is happening. We ended up off topic...but, that's us for ya!

Initial email: (Ali)

“…Also looked up prices for Woodman point and coogee caravan parks. Cause it’s peak it works out to be $38 a night.(per 2 people) (couldn’t find prices for club Capricorn)
*Should I book it for 4 nights from the 28th ?
* Are we all happy with that price?
* Will we need 4 sites?
Here is links if you want to have a look. www.aspenparks.com.au/
Could you let me know your thoughts
Thanks Ali”

Response: (Rick)

“Hi all,

Since small group didn't happen tonight and since I wasn't there last week (and we all know how well Sanda relays info to me...don't tell her I said that) here is where I am at. Are we all discussing camping in tents? That's fine but I'm a little worried if it is 40 degrees for those 4 days. What happens with Bella and Zac (and Felix and Lochie for that matter). Sanda said we can just come home...is that a viable option? I know what you're all thinking...what a girl Rick is but after spending a holiday at a caravan park that was the precursor to Hell (Esperance anyone??) I get a little nervous about "roughing it". Anyhoo, I'm just discussing what I would have said had we been together. I'm still all for going away and out of the two I think they are much of a muchness (although one did have a recreation room with a pool table). I'm still up for tenting but you realize I'll be hiking into Freo everyday for an affogato and calzone. So what say we??

Re: (bec 2 in our group…not me)

“im so excited about the camping...only thing is i wont have a car :( cos ruth is still here
so i have 3 optioins
1. ruth can dump me there
2. someone can give me a ride
3. i can stick my thumb out on the motorway hahaha please dont say option 3
anyways missed u all last night...sanda and i went shopping...was heeps of fun!!
hope u all have a great day :)
from becs!”

Re: (Ali)

“Here is latest
1. Rick is a wuss
2. So far no-one has come up with any other options except yanchep but I can’t find anything on that.
3. We can’t come on Friday 28th and neither can Cricelli’s so will come Saturday. Do the rest of you want me to book for the Friday or will you come on Saturday too?
4. Otherwise Monday I will book 4 sites for either 3 or 4 nights.
5. If it is hot I’m happy with a visit to Freo anyway but for gelato rather than a latte.
6. Have a good weekend.
7. Rick is still a wuss

Re: (Pete)

“Here’s the latest from Pete
1. I’m happy to fit in pretty much around the rest of you lot because my life is not complicated by a family, kids, wife, grilfriend, or in fact anyone else that may love me L
2. I’m happy to come on the Saturday.
3. I’m happy to visit Freo (but surely there’ll be plenty of ferals at the caravan park. Why travel all the way to freo to see more?)
4. Rick is a woos
5. With Labor now in charge you’d better start getting used to living in a tent Rick.
6. Does anyone have the technology to keep drinks cold? I’m just thinking of my friend Mr Beam.
7. Have a good weekend and see you on Sunday!


Re: (Ali)

More latest
1. We love Pete and are happy to make his life more complicated if he wants.
2. We will take our caravan and have technology to store important items like Miss Cruiser and Mrs Peach Wine Spritza
3. We won’t be there on Sunday as we are going to Moora for Another Bec’s 30th.
4. C U!

Re: (me)

“Pete!! I/We love you!!!!

You can sleep on the floor of our van if you like :)

We have a fridge in the van which is a decent size if needs be!”!

Re: (Pete)

“Thanks Bek,

;) and I’m definitely not sleeping on your floor, especially as your trying to have babies, that’d be weird J

I may get you to store drinks for me though.”

Re: (me)

Just so you all know...my work mates are having a great laugh at all of your emails.

We are all wetting ourselves :)

Re: (Pete)

Excellent, what little I can do to brighten peoples lives ;)

Are any of them pretty and enjoy camping??

Re: (me)

hehehe....no, the closest to our age is 200kg and 34

I can see if she's interested??

Re: (Pete)

My sleeping bags not very big ;)

Re: (me)

STOP!!! my tummy hurts from laughing too much :)

Re: (Pete)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Bahahaha. Hilarious!