
Age defying beauty

I need a vent. Not an angry vent, I just need to get some things off my chest.

On sunday we had a hymn service.

Yes, you read me right! A hymn service.

Now, I am not against hymns. I actually enjoy some hymns. I don't give a rat's tuu tuu if certain people wish to gather one night a week and have a hymn service.

I do however, give a rat's tuu tuu, when that hymn service is pushed onto other people.

I do not appreciate being told that I should attend the hymn service, that I need to just enjoy it. That, to me, is like telling Russell to just enjoy having his nails painted or something, "you'll see, you'll like it!"

I do care when Sunday morning is altered to suit certain people's needs. I do not push for my style of music every sunday, I do not push for my own wants and needs, and I would expect that those who are (apparently) more mature in their Christian faith, to do the same.

I am not trying to be all 'holier than thou'. I am just frustrated when people constantly think that church is for them. News break...IT's NOT!

I was told on Sunday that the service had been designed for a certain age-group. I asked would our age group then be catered for next week? To which I was responded with, "It is every week isn't it!?"

I'm sorry, but songs from the 60's doesn't really cater for my age-group. Anyway...

I was then asked "What is a youth service?" My response was "maybe having songs from the 2000's would help."

However, after thinking things through and chatting with Russell, we decided that the following (in our own opinion) is what the youth are looking for/would enjoy. Keeping in mind that church is not set up for our own wants and needs.

  • Feeling involved/engaged in the service
  • Understanding the words that are being sung - this aids towards feeling engaged
  • Things to be done well - not tacky
  • Sometimes newer songs, but not necessarily. We have the ability to enjoy hymns if they are not done in some monotone tacky way.

The youth don't necessarily want loud music. It doesn't have to be loud, just done well, engaging and inviting. Being told before a service that this music is for a certain generation and to just try and enjoy it DOES NOT invite or engage anyone else in that service. Obviously this music is for certain people, not me, therefore they switch off.

I also don't think it is wise when you have the most visitors I have ever seen come in one service to have this sort of stuff going on. It is not inviting or engaging the community that surrounds us.

So, my question to all of you out there is"

"What is a youth service - what do you think it has/involves?"

I'd be interested to see what other people think. I may be way off with how I perceive things at the moment...I seem to have lost my perception somewhere along my journey's. Am I correct in some of my thoughts on what a 'youth service' has? I hate saying 'youth service'. I don't want a service dedicated to a certain age-group. That's not what church is about....but don't get me started on that!

So, get crackin'!!


Michael Norman said...

I agree that the term 'youth service' is an oxymoron at best, and the issue with age dedicated 'services'.

I believe your onto something when you talk about youth being engaged and involved in the service. Unfortunately people link youth engagement with entertainment, I think we'd both agree it must go deeper then that.

I dont believe that things do need to be done well, in fact I believe the rawness and bluntness of youth long for a community that wont pretend to have it all wrapped up, but will make mistakes, laugh about them, and move on.

But what would we know? Were just old farts. :)

Perhaps the topic of 'what is church?' is more pertinent and must spread across our age barriers (that we put up).

What do you think?

bek said...

That's true!

I think what I meant with things being done well, was not necessarily things being seamless but none of the 'corny christian' pop junk that sometimes comes out. I'm probably not explaining this very well, but do I kind of make sense??

What is church? I may have to think about it for awhile, it's a huge question really!
I have a fair idea of what it is not:
It is not to be my only time with God
It is not for my own pleasure or as you said 'entertainment'
It is not a building

That's just a couple of thoughts. Good question though mike!

Anonymous said...

Haha it reminds me of one of our previous pastor's who use to hold a hymn fest each year! Not that I don't like hymns, I have a stack that I enjoy, some great lyrics among them but I don't think having a whole service dedicated to hymns is going to engage the community. Include a couple in the service, but don't make it the focus of the service. If there are a bunch of people that like hymns that much - have a get-together and listen to them just like other people would have a movie-night.

We have some songs at church that I have to try not laugh at - they just go on and on and on and the tunes are so daggy! Then I end up feeling bad because I should be focusing on God not the music. Ahhh, I laugh too much!!

As for youth services? I have no idea. To me, both now and throughout my teenage years, I've liked a good sermon, one that is understandable and helps me to know more about God. (Our current pastor gets a tick in both boxes!)The focus of a service should be God, praising Him, talking to Him and learning about Him.

Moving on, should there be such a thing as a "youth" service or other "--" services? I don't really think so, because wouldn't this encourage meeting your own needs thereby shifting the focus from God? It all seems a bit new-agish when you start trying to find ways that best fulfil your spiritual needs, rather than allowing Jesus to do it.
I don't really know, I feel like I'm incoherently splattering out my ideas - gah! and I'm meant to be a teacher...

And now for my mini-rant. Why are our songs always sung in keys are so high?? It makes me mad cos I can't reach the notes, I like singing but my voice-box won't allow me!
=( I must have a wierd voice-box...