
Up Close & Personal

A couple weeks ago we got to have our anatomy scan. This is where they check every asset of the baby and make sure everything is fine.
Good news.....the baby is perfect! 10 fingers, 10 toes, face intact, brain working, all organs good to go!!
It was a bit of a painful process as the baby was curled up so tightly that the guy doing the ultra-sound found this as a 'challenge' that he could fix. He needed the baby spread out so that he could check everything, but bub would just not budge. So he proceeded in pushing, wobbling and prodding my belly for about an hour (while trying to hold onto a litre of water...not fun!). Bub would just curl up even tighter, play with it's toes or cover its face with it's arms so that we couldn't see it.
In the end the guy (a midwife I think) gave up with "Can't take a hint can it!!!!"
Russell turned and said "I wonder where it gets that from?!?"
Here are a couple of cool pics for you - click on them to see a larger shot:
Baby's face. Almost looks like it is smiling on the left pic. You can just see it's little arms beside it.

Spine & Pelvis - this is really cool I reckon!

The top pic is another one of it's spine. The bottom pic is the spine going up into the head. Really really cool!!!

This is the heart with the blood flowing through the aorta's (is that how you spell it?)
It's amazing what they can do these days!


Dodgy Pete said...

Great pics bek. Glad to hear it's all going well and peanut is healthy :)

Becs said...

so awesome to see the pics of bub...november will be around so quickly...so excited for u guys...c u when i get back from brizzy, luv ya!!!

bek said...

missing you bec!! Hope your having fun over there and not getting into too much mischief!!! :)