
communion and how I went

Hmmm…well it was interesting to say the least.

On Saturday morning I woke up with a line going through my head that I decided to run with for my little talk. I had pretty much written what I was going to speak on (in my head) and on Sunday morning I put it down on paper. This wasn’t too stressful and I was happy that I had something to go with.

As the song before communion is played I usually get a little nervous, but I am finding it more and more comfortable each time I speak. I no longer get wobbly legs and shaky hands, I get the odd butterfly or two, but that’s about it.

On Sunday I had decided to wear a pretty light green dress and I felt all feminine and cute, but I probably should have thought about my clothing options a little better that morning.

I got up on stage and was arranging my paper and Bible when the combination of the air con and fans attacked my skirt and I found myself in a bit of a Marilyn Monroe pose. My skirt was just going up everywhere, and I was lucky that no-one saw anything (I wasn’t wearing the most conservative undies!!)! Just what I needed to get everyone’s minds prepared for communion!! I looked down at Russell and he had this look that said "Only you"!
I managed to compose myself and grabbed the microphone, and stepped off the stage made a comment something along the lines of "Here I am trying to be all serious and that happens!" and then continued to proceed with what I had to say.

I wrapped things up and we took part of communion. THEN, I had to pray for the offering. I HATE praying out loud. It’s one of the things I really struggle with. I get really uncomfortable when I have to do it and this occasion was no exception. I started to pray and got stuck. Somewhere along the lines of "that you would use these funds to continue your work in the community and…." That’s where I got stuck!! I should have never said AND. I paused for ages and started tapping my chin going hmmm, um… I saw Russell look up with a pleading look and I said something stupid like "and that it would be good. Amen" or something silly. I was so embarrassed! I sort of giggled and hopped off stage and collapsed in Russells arms!

Afterwards I had people comment that I handled myself well considering the circumstances I had just endured. Others appreciated what I had to say. On the way home Russell said that "Only you would get yourself into that sort of situation" and that while I was praying and pausing for words, he was thinking "she’ll get it, she’ll get, just say something!!" Which I knew by his facial expressions. Then on the way home I was winding up my window and wound up my hair with the window. It was just one of those days.

Anyway, I think it went as well as it could have gone. I just wish that I had the confidence to really just speak to the congregation as if I was speaking to them one on one. I feel that sometimes I don’t speak with much emotion because I am reading my notes straight off my paper. This will come with time though, I hope. I will post what I said at communion on another post because I can’t remember off the top of my head. But the line that got me started was "Sometimes when I find myself refusing to allow myself to fall on my knees at the foot of the cross, I often find that pride, a fear of being vulnerable, and an unwillingness to serve are my main barriers." That’s the line that I had stuck in my head all Sat. morning. And I thank God that it came!

1 comment:

fletchboy said...

Onya Bek! I wasn't there, but I heard a good report. :-)

Keep on pushing ahead, and you will find you gain more confidence and comfort up front. Ummm....as long as you skirt doesn't blow up. hehehe No seriously. Confidence and competence only come with DOING the thing you want to gain confidence and competence in, so keep going, girl!
