
Forge Intensive - Conversations around Re-thinking Paradigms of Mission in the Post-Christian West

On Saturday Russell and I went to a Forge Intensive held in Subi. It was a great chance to learn a little more about the emerging church – even though this isn’t really what the intensive was focused on.

I will start with the negatives as it’s always nice to end on a positive note. Now, I know I am not the easiest person to talk to. I tend to hide behind Russell and let him make conversation (I don’t even like to walk in front of him. I try make him pick the seats and walk through the door first) and when I feel comfortable enough I will make a comment. I did feel however a little on the outer. Like it was a group of people who all know each other and are in a bit of a click. This would be the only reason why I wouldn’t attend to another one. I’m not sure if Russell would be able to go to another one with me and without him I would be completely lost. I don’t have enough courage to walk across a room, introduce myself, and to maintain conversation. I’m sure that if I even met Sarah or Middo (although I’m pretty sure I already have met Middo) I would be at a loss as to what to say and would be too shy to say anything! I hate feeling like an outsider, and I know I cant just hide away from going to things, but I honestly didn’t feel very comfortable all day. Now, most of you who know me (and I mean really know me) would say that I am so outgoing and loud etc, but if you remember when you first met me, I wasn’t. Its not until I get to know someone a bit better, or am in a group of people, that I know, that I will ‘come out of my shell’ a bit.

The other thing was that I felt conflicted in my thoughts (as I would expect to happen at one of these things). I was so embarrassed as it actually made me cry, and in the afternoon tea break I was trying to shove those tears/snot back up so that it wouldn’t be seen that I had been crying. Then, of all things the main speaker decided to introduce himself while I was in this process of shoving! I really appreciated Steve introducing himself and I found it really valuable to chat with him (I’m getting teary even now and I’m at work!!!). He was the only person who introduced himself to me and I was blessed by chatting with him (how embarrassing, crying when you first meet someone!). I should probably explain why I was crying. We had just a session by Man A, (I’m not going to reveal who, but I’m sure someone will pick it!) who was talking about his ‘experience/church/small group. I have no problem with Man A’s experience, that’s nothing I can take away from him. Everyone has experiences and its not my place nor anyone else’s to take away from that experience and tell them they are wrong or have gone about things the wrong way etc. I just felt that some of the explanations and wording of certain things hurtful. I come from a traditional background, and it’s huge that I’m even attending a conference like this. I know Man A wasn’t attacking me or my family, but I just felt that there was no affirmation of what God’s church is doing right. It was all this, this, this, and this, are all wrong, and no but we did learn this. I know that the church they are talking about may have referred to themselves as ‘a machine’, but that doesn’t give license to then refer to other churches as ‘machines’ (It was said – just in case anyone wants to argue me on it. It was said by a Man B). My parents have devoted themselves to the church and to ministry for over 20 years and I get frustrated when people refer to what they are doing is simply running a machine. The church is not perfect and it NEVER will be! I know people get frustrated with church and they leave it, but how about this for an idea? :wouldn’t it be more effective if the handful of people who left the church actually stayed in the church and worked at making a positive change and then have 400+ people making a difference in their community and with their neighbours rather than just 20? That makes more sense to me. People and Man B probably don’t agree, that’s fine, but this is my blog and I’m going to say how I feel about things. Leave a comment if you have an issue. Though I don’t even think Man A reads this, as he has never made me feel ‘worthy’ of talking to him in person, thus why would he read this? I honestly don’t have a problem with Man A and his ‘groups’ experiences, I do have a problem, that when you leave the church you leave with a swinging bat and take a swing at anything in sight. Also, over half the points that Man A listed as to what his ‘church’ do, my small group do for me. Nurturing, serving, etc. I don’t have the list with me, but I did jot it down. I’m just going by memory (sorry – beat me up for being unprepared, I don’t care). I have never had an issue with what Man A is doing, I guess I just didn’t expect to hear half of what he said. (I can tell I’m going to get in trouble here). The point of this post is not to tear down Man A (I’m sorry if he hears this from someone else and feels torn down) I am simply diarising how I felt, aren’t diaries meant to be honest?
The main reason why that session upset me, was because I am caught in a tug-of-war at the moment. I am frustrated with church but am prepared to stick it out. Yet, I’m also looking at different ways of doing church. I just got a little defensive when I see so much of my parents lives devoted to serving in the church, and they get nothing back but criticism. It also hurts because my dad has made it clear that he will never retire – he will never stop ministry and his love for people will never stop! He, and mum, have literally devoted their entire life to serving God through the church.

Wow, I haven’t had a rant like that in a long time. I know I’ll get nasty comments, or comments saying I shouldn’t have said the things I’ve said, but I’m tired of not being honest about how I feel.

Positives!! – finally

Steve Said was amazing! He was so knowledgeable of the Scriptures which really appeals to me, and he also spoke from the Old Testament!! OH MY GOODNESS!! Someone actually did a couple of sessions from the OT! I LOVED this! Preaching from the OT has seriously been lacking and it was refreshing to have someone speak from the OT and to really know what he was talking about. Also, not one negative word about the church came out of his mouth. He didn’t ‘bag’ the church, but he encouraged us/me in the ministry that he and his wife are doing in their community. Did I mention he introduced himself? He made me feel comfortable and important. He didn’t just shy away when I probably wasn’t giving him much to work with. Doesn’t surprise me I scared him off with my tears and one word answers. I am trying to work on this and I think I am getting better, albeit at a snails pace (like many other things in my life). I don’t have my note book with me but I will definitely post my notes up tomorrow, or the next, depending on when I remember next. I planned on saying thankyou to him at the end of the day, but was too nervous and shy to go up to him so I didn’t. I am looking for his email address at the moment, so if anyone has it, can you please forward it too me? I know I’m doing this the chickens way, but I honestly couldn’t bring myself to do it, and I still didn’t feel comfortable around all the other people there to stay, so we left straight away.

I know I don’t have as many positives as I did negatives, but I would still say that the day was one of learning and stretching, and we ALL need that. Life would be boring if we just sat around and didn’t have opinions or conflicts about anything.

The intent of this post was not to have a go at Man A. I am trying to give a perspective of just 1 person who was there. I’m sure that everyone else who attended had no problem, maybe, but I doubt it. I’m probably going to regret this post, and if I do, then you will see it edited or it will have disappeared, but for the moment, it’s staying how it is.

*note: I originally wrote this with Man A’s name, but have decided not to disclose as I feel it would be unfair to not have taken it up with him before revealing him to all of the world wide web. I haven’t changed any sentences though as I believe they are fair enough for me to express.


backyardmissionary said...

hmm... are you sure Steve was the only person who spoke to you :)

bek said...

I didnt say he was the only person who spoke to me, but he was the only person who introduced himself to me.
im pretty sure this is hamo, and i know i spoke to you, your nice :)
i know i should make an effort and go speak to people myself, i just dont have enough courage - and im woman enough to admit it!

karyn said...

Hi Bek, I think sometime the 'emerging' church - which lets face it has already emerged- is sometimes misconstrued thru symantics or just weirdo ideals, that it's the only answer to bringing people to know Christ. The crux of it all being that we need to be relevant to people where they are at but the 'emergents' nullify themselves if they fail to recognise that traditional church IS where some people are at. I think you need to pick and choose who you listen to, as you recognised in Stephen Said; Forge is full of very knowledgable, caring and Christ-like people but it's hard to not be negatively affected by cetain views when your own feelings about a movement are in flux. Hang in there, there's some great stuff to learn and it doesn't mean the way you were bought up to 'do' church is wrong or the way your family is still 'doing' church is inferior. Remember, once upon a time, traditional protestant churches were considered heretical (just another way to say 'emerging!)

Anonymous said...

Heya Bek,

Its Jacky Here, reading blogs as i do... dont have one myself because with 2 babies i dont seem to find the time. I really valued what you had to say on the forge conference,, even though as you know I wasnt there. I did however hear the same talk you did that man "A" gave. As it was about the group I am a part of!

He gave the talk to us the week after you heard it, we then gave him feedback.

The one thing I want to express to you is that people in our group have the utmost respect for churches such as the one you attend and the one we came from! We in no way want to mis credit your or your fathers callings and ministries because there are people (AND LOTS OF THEM) that get alot out of traditional styles of church... me included!!

Our group is something that a bunch of people for a bunch of diferent reasons have wanted to be a part of and are figuring out together.... and I am sure you would have heard how we are and arnt going! :)

You made a comment that your small group does many of the things you described we do... my answer to that is YES!!! Small groups are such a positive , and personal way to grow in faith and relationship.... I guess our group has just taken that a step further.... meeting twice a week and living in community with one another......

For me. I love our group, and still attend my local church, because that works for me. Others in our group do other things... I guess our whole point is we do our walks with Christ along side one another in whatever way might be right for us as individuals. But with Christ, Love, accountability, family and friendship as common threads...

You are a person I respect and care for and I hope this has cleared a few things up! feel free to email me at
if you want to chat more about this all....

Jacky Creelman/ Barbara

bek said...

Hi Matt,

I in no way am trying to "have a go" at you and your group. When I wrote this post I was really upset, and I dont think that it was wrong for me to get upset.
I myself am on a journey. I am getting so frustrated at church and with my current church, but I dont want to just leave because I am frustrated with it. Im not saying that you guys just quit and that it wasnt a hard choice for you to make. I fully understand that it was. I just dont think that I could or would do it. Im not trying to imply that I am stronger and can stick things out, but at this point in my life its not something I would do, I may in future years, but not now.
Also, I think I expressed about as much grace as (you know who) did. We both just came from different angles/perspectives. I have the upmost respect for you guys, taking the courage to leave what you know and to try something that is not accepted by most people. Doesnt mean I agree with it, but I can respect it. Im sorry if I didnt express that respect in my post. I honestly dont have anything against any of you, how can I when I dont know most of you personally?

I know that (you know who - this is starting to get ridiculous!!) mentioned that the pastor/leader referred to their church as a machine - I dont have a problem with that because they named it that themselves, not Man A. I got upset when you (Matt) referred to other churches as machines. I think you said (paraphrased) "other machines" or something along those lines. Just because one person named their church as a machine, I dont feel it then gives you the right to publically refer to other churches as machines. Do it in your head - not at a conference (I dont even know if people want it referred to a conference, but thats the only word I can use).

As I said - I respect you and your group, and Im sorry if I didnt represent that in my post.

Vawz said...

Can we stop naming that guy Man A now, expose the guy, make him pay for his negative attitude, wankers like that need to pay big time! (sorry for the language but seriously!!)
I think if someone gets up before a group of people they need to be careful with what they say!
In fact I think that Man A should get nailed for not introducing himself to you Bek...my guess is that the reason he didn't was that he already knows you and seeing you there and saying "Hi Bek" as he walked past was his friendly aknowledgement of you welcome presence. I guess (just a guess) that he actually admires you greatly for your stance on certain issues, and feels for you as well in what seems to be a tough place you find yourself in. I have another guess that he didn't stop to chat before his session because he may be one of those guys that gets all worked up before presenting anything and does not act warm to anyone as his mind could have been engaged in that...maybe he is just a rude...whatever, in fact I think he is based on your comment - "Though I don’t even think Man A reads this, as he has never made me feel ‘worthy’ of talking to him in person, thus why would he read this?"
He sure sounds like a bastard when you read that! I think he might read it every now and then...
I was with a couple of pastors on the weekend, both of whom worked on staff with your Dad here in Perth. Both of whom refer to their current and past experiences of 'running' local churches as being mechanic and 'machine like' at times. Maybe that's just life, even marriage and parenting, wonderful parts of life, can feel a bit mechanical at times...but maybe I too, like man A , am just an insensative bastard who needs to spend a whole lot more time walking around looking for people to make feel worthy.

I know if Man A were here today he would want to say, lets get together, you, me Russ the Hubby and have a drink and chat about life, blogs, church and stuff. He would want to tell you that every time he hears stuff about you he smiles as he hears about a lady with punch and charism, not affaid to ask the hard questions and challenge the system a bit, someone who (not unlike Man A I'm sure) has unwittingly hurt people along the way by simply stating what he thought...interested in chatting with Man A? I think I know where he lives!!

bek said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bek said...

I had made a comment, but upon reading it a few times, decided to delete it as I didnt think it was appropriate.

So now I dont really have any response for you Scott. I dont know how to take your comment. Are you being sarcastic, are you having a go, are you being genuine...I dont know. So Im not going to respond in any way until I know the true intent of your comment. I dont want to comment on anything as I may have taken it the wrong way and end up hurting you in the process.

Vawz said...

Woops, you are right Bek. Typing never gets the message across right, hence - coffee?
I did manage to read a printout of the one before you deleted it and I felt bad as I saw my message had not been recieved well. Actually I would have to say it had not been written well! It did contain sarcasm and it was written with a smile, a kind of silly joking thing that completely backfired. It's funny on blogs you get this feeling that you know people, that you are even friends with people. You make comments on my mother-in-law staying over and share your own stories of having granny over, you make comments regularly that sort of creats a feeling I kind of know you. I guess meeting with Russ regular makes me feel like I know (and like) you as much as one can when it is just over the net, you know. I am sorry for appearing rude or arrogant, not my intention at all, and I am sorry for my post, silly tone, my dumb sense of humour that is really not funny at all really! My story at Forge day, was about a church I was in 5 years ago, that as I said on the day, had changed over the last five years, but havn't we all!
Seriously, all communication from now on I will do via email not on this blog.
I will send an email requesting coffee if youo are interested.

bek said...

AHHH!! It was never my intent to have you stop commenting on my blog, and I dont want to lose your input. Plus if people dont want to honestly listen to other peoples opinions, they shouldnt have a blog.

I am fine to go out for a coffee.

This is one of those situations where Russell has the chance to tell me "I told you so"! - I hate that :)