
Bek's Brilliant Christmas Quiz Round 2

Here is Round 2 of Bek's Brilliant Christmas Quiz. If you didn't enter in the last round, feel free to join in now.

This weeks questions are:

1. What was Rudolph’s punishment for his red nose?

2. What did the Grinch use as a substitute for reindeer?

3. What carol is known as the counting song?

4. Traditionally, does the oldest or youngest family member open the first present?

5. What country started the tradition of exchanging gifts? (Multiple choice)

Germany England Italy Poland

6. What are tiny, inexpensive gifts usually called?

7. What do most elves wear on the tips of their shoes?

8. After red and green, what are the two most popular Christmas colours?

9. What two words are normally pre-printed on gift tags?

10. Who wrote "A Christmas Carol"?


Sarah said...

All righty.....some of my answers are probably just stupid! ;)

1. He was laughed at, called names and wasn't allowed to join in any reindeer games.
2. Crumple Horned Snorkacks
3. Twelve Days of Christmas
4. Youngest
5. Germany
6. Crap gifts
7. Bells
8. Gold and silver
9. Merry Christmas
10. Charles Dickens

Anonymous said...

1. Wasn't allowed to lead the reindeer?

2. Horses?

3. Jingle Bells?:D

4. Youngest?

5. Poland?

6. Trinkets?

7. A bell?

8. White (does that count as a colour?), Gold?

9. Merry Christmas?

10. Montgomery Burnes

Anonymous said...

sarah, i think ur gonna need a lot more than skill to beat me, i'm bribing the marker with my good looks and charm:) i think she might have a crush on me!

1. couldn't play reindeer games

2. rocking horses, hence his sleigh didn't fly very well:(

3. 12 days of christmas

4. the middle kid, and if there's no middle then the presants don't get opened until there is one...i'm still hoping mum n dad might have one more so all those presants in storage might finally get opened!:)

5. Poland - they gave poles to each other!!!hahahaha....haha..ha yeh i know it wasn't funny!

6. i believe the correct term is "dodgey"

7. bells, it's so that santa knows where they are at all times. he knows if they have followed him down the chimney to steal his presents coz he can here them when they walk....think about it! all the elves are actually theives that have been caught and banished to the north pole to never steal again. if they were so innocent wouldn't santa assign them all a part of the earth to go deliver presents so that he wouldn't have to so much work in one night...they're theives!!! i really feel for santa, he works his butt off delivering presents and then has to go home to keep criminals in line, poor guy!

8. white and blue

9.bah humbug

10. which one?one guy couldn't have written all those different christmas carols, surely. u need to be more specific than just 'a christmas carol'!;)

What out sarah, the lead is mine!

Sarah said...

Is there a prize at the end of all this? I don't do nothing without a decent prize at the end (just checking if it's worth raising the little effort I'll need to beat Quizstar Russell haha):)

Dodgy Pete said...

1. The other reindeer laughed at him and called him names

2. His poor dog with some strap on antlers

3. The 12 days of christmas

4. Youngest

5. Germany

6. Stocking filler

7. Bells

8. Gold and silver

9. presented to

10. charles Dickens