
10 things I have to say

Ever had things that you've wanted to say to someone, but you have refrained because it's either too embarrassing to say, or you don't want to hurt someone's feelings. Well, I have made a list of things that I have wanted to say to people in the past but never have and probably never will. I'm not going to say who they are in reference to, but that's part of the fun!!

1. You have a lollipop head.

2. I lose a little more respect for you every time you open your mouth.

3. Grow up – maybe then things will start happening for you.

4. I wish you would talk to me. Spend time with me. Get to know me instead of refusing to make an effort. I am tired of constantly pushing and making the effort. I had such high expectations for our relationship and they have never come to fruition, and I fear they never will.

5. Every time you say something that shreds my character to pieces, I laugh it off and pretend you didn’t really mean it. I will also continue pretending that you care, when I truly know you don’t give a rat’s tutu.

6. They way you are so anal about everything makes me want to grab you by the shoulders and then slap you silly.

7. I admire the way you have lived your life. I want to know more and more but am too shy and reserved to ever ask.

8. I avoid you because I don’t want to have to endure another hour long story that bores me to tears and that I’ve heard 10 times before.

9. Every time you email I get ready to pee my pants. It usually is a highlight in my boring day.

10. You always talk at inappropriate times and it drives me nuts!


Sarah said...

Yep, I've pretty much thought a lot of those things about people as well. But then maybe people have thought any of those about me too and that's when I'd rather not know, I think.

Anonymous said...

These are the worst things to read because you always seem to think they apply to yourself.
Most of my friends would say no. 8 and 10 applies to me or the one about being anal
And I think I know who no. 7 is but I won't say who.

bek said...

Well, let me just say that there are ones in there applicable to people I work with, and I'm pretty sure that 'annonymous' isn't someone I work with, so have no fear. I am pretty sure none of them are about you! If you choose to reveal yourself that is :)

bek said...

Actually, I think I know who this annonymous person is!! If I am right, then trust me hon, they are not directed at you....I probably would tell you if I truly thought that about you :)