
A Mighty Heart film review (not really though)

The 2nd movie we watched over the weekend was ‘A Mighty Heart’.

This flick was about American Journalist, Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped and executed while working in Pakistan in 2002. All the while his wife was 5 months pregnant with their first child.

This film rocked me. It made me think about what I would do in that sort of situation. I honestly do not think that I would handle it as well as this woman has. It also made me realise that I have been through nothing compared to some people, and that I truly am blessed.

The film was filled with hope more than anything else. One of the things that Mariane says near the end of the film is: “And kidnappers - their point is to terrorize people. But *I* am not terrorized, and *you* can't be either”

From what I have read of her and what little I know, she seems to be very strong and is set on trying to get people to communicate.

This was a great film and I would recommend it to everyone. Instead of revenge, there is hope, and a yearning for a solution, which is what our world needs at this present time.

“We are two people who met and fell in love because we have the same ideal. And all my life and all his life and our life together is just a big effort to try to create a dialogue between civilizations.” Mariane Pearl

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