

What do you think about or pray about during communion?

This is something that I think a lot of people have questioned, but never asked about.

Most times I wander off, try not to fall asleep, and other times I pray for forgiveness. I think about the things I have stuffed up on and think on how I am going to do better next time. Sometimes I think about the cross, and other times I pray for God to bless us with children.

Somehow, I feel like I am missing something. I was thinking about this during communion last week. What is it that I am supposed to do? Meditate? Pray for forgiveness? I am sure that God calls us to something, but I don’t know what that something is!

Is it because we have miss-construed the original meaning of communion? Have we made it into something that it was never meant to be? Therefore we are all feeling a little lost? Should communion be something that we partake of throughout the week, and not just for 10mins on a Sunday?

Should we be communing with God every day? I believe so. But how do we implement this into our Sunday services? Or, should our Sunday service just be a little ‘taste’ of what communion with God should be like every week. If so, are we living up to this standard?

I don’t really have many thoughts on this issue, just lots of questions. I would be really interested to know what other people do or think about during communion. Does anyone have any ideas as to what we should be trying to do on Sundays, and every other day of the week? Has anyone found something helpful or heard of anything that sounds like it might be hitting the nail on the head?

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