
alright already....

Jeepers you people push!!

Since Sarah and Greg (fletch) are pushing and proding and trying to guess my news....I guess I better spill.

We bought a house! I know in the past I have said that we didnt want to buy and that we are happy renting (still are), this opportunity came along and we decided that we would give it a burl and see what happened.

We weren't looking to buy a house, it kind of just landed in our lap.

Now, dont go thinking that we are buying a house so that we can have babies either. I have always been of the opinion that you dont have to own your own house to have kids....thats just stupid! Whats the point in owning a nice big house, but not be able to fill it with kids.

I always thought we would rent till we were maybe 40, and then we might buy...but this kind of all just happened.

Hopefully, this wont put off our timeline for having kids (it better not) and we will still be able to fill our house with them. We may be living off baked beans on toast (like Eliza) but we will be happy.

Our only problem at the moment is that we are going away for all of Sept, and settlement is on the 2nd of Oct. We will also have to be paying for a months worth of rent and a mortgage at the same time!! This is causing me the most stress. We are furiously saving for Thailand and so that we can have at least a little spending money, and we are now having to save to pay for rent and mortgage all at once. We will be fine after Oct, its just all the stress of planning and what not.

Im sorry if I disappointed anyone by buying a house. But I believe that we are doing it for the right reasons. We aren't buying because its the 'thing to do'. We arent buying because we dont think we cant have kids without our own place. We are buying however, because we are trying to be faithful and wise with our money and we decided that this was an opportunity brought along by God and we decided to jump!

Please pray that God provides for us in the months leading up to settlement and that we wont stress too much over anything.

So, thats our news....a big debt. Yay!!

Oh, and the house is on Disney Road. For those of you who know me you will know that this is a perfect Road!! (I'm a big Disney freak!)



Sarah said...

Mwahaha! I was wrong about the tattoo but right about this. Aha!

I'm gonna post my big news tonight and put photos up too :)

bek said...

you are vedy vedy sneaky. :)

ugh!! Hurray up and post already. Im about to pee myself from waiting! (not really...) but I am excited!

Sarah said...

Patience...patience :)

fletchboy said...

PHEW! Thanks Bek....all that prodding was getting to be exhausting! hehehe

Disappointed that you are buying a house? No way! Go go go! :-)

Oh...and....if you want to know Sarah's news, just ask me...it is really exciting! ;-)

Ahem...Hi Sarah. You don't know me, but I need to tell you that there are NO secrets in WA! muhahahahaaaaa.....

Anonymous said...

no, thats not fair. i bet i know what it is...but im not prepared to say cos i dont want to spoil her news. i will just have to 'hold on'. (hehehe)

fletchboy said...

I wouldn't tell you anyway! ;-) I was only kidding about telling...

Sarah said...

Actually Fletch/Greg I do know who you are. You and your family were at Cornerstone this year. There really are no secrets in WA mwahaha!

bek said...

oooohhh...(thats when you say touche greg) :)

fletchboy said...

Aw man! You live your WHOLE LIFE under a rock, come out ONE TIME to go to some camp and your OUTED!!! Grrrr... hehehe I think I'll change my name and start over! :-) You've spoiled ALL my fun, Sarah! Hmph.