
Frisky Business

Last week I had to take a pregnancy test. This would have been the 4th time since being married. The first 3 times were out of my “forgetfulness” to take a certain pill. This last time, there was no reason other than a girl knows when something isn’t quite right. Oh, right, your all probably wondering what the result was. Nudda, zip, zero, zilch….nothing. Nothing is there. For the first time I can actually say this is a relief. We have just done something (other than doing what it takes to get pregnant) HUGE! I can’t say yet, and that’s why I haven’t posted much recently for fear of having loose lips. I’m sorry, I just can’t spill the beans yet.

ANYWAY….onto my frisky business, or should I say someone elses.

Last week when everything was stressful and I had to take this little test, I was talking to a girl I work with who I have known for over 10 years. Its really weird working with your old Sunday school teacher! I was talking to her in the lunchroom about how I had taken the test and that if it had of turned out that I was pregnant it would be ok and God would provide no matter the circumstances. God has always provided, and that’s just life. Things happen…I can’t control them (though we so often try to….and we always try and control things with contraception…that’s a whole other issue), but that I was confident that no matter what, we would pull through.

Yesterday morning she came up to me and said that her and her husband have started trying for a baby. She said that what I had said to her last week hit a nerve and they decided rather than waiting for their own perfect timing (which will never happen…nothing in this world is perfect) they would just trust God and wait on him.

So, I am the cause of a certain couples Frisky Business….I couldn’t have been more proud! :)


Sarah said...

The huge thing...have you bought a house?

bek said...

oi you...im not saying anything till you post your big news...which i think i already know!!