
'Arry Pottaaahh'

Last week Russell headed off to the movies for a well overdue date (I never said we were perfect!).

I had been given 2 La Premiere tickets for my birthday and we wanted to see a long movie to get the most out of them. Sad, I know.

We decided to see the 5th Harry Potter flick. I would have to say that this was the best one of all. I don’t claim to know all the facts, as I’ve only read the first 2 books, but this was one ripper of a movie.

The kids are starting to grow up, and along with that the magic is getting darker. There is a wicked fight scene at the end and it is done really well. I have enjoyed all of the Potter flicks, and in my opinion, they just keep getting better.

It was a little scarier than the previous ones and in the first couple of scenes I had my hands over my eyes (peeking through though) and getting genuinely scared. The character of Luna is great. Amazingly she was just a girl (the actor) sitting at home reading the books and decided she loved the character so much that she wrote to J.K.Rowling and asked to audition for the role! Who woulda thought!? She did a great job. The imagination and the story line is always great, and after seeing this movie, it has prompted me to pick up the books I haven't read yet and finish them off.

Has anyone else seen this movie?

Does anyone not agree with the Potter books and flicks? If so, why? Or do you think they are fun and cause no harm?

I always find the Potter books/flicks an interesting topic for people, particularly in the Christian circle, so let me know your thoughts. I’d love to hear them!

While looking for pictures to stick up with this post I found this picture of some fan that I think has taken it a little too far!


"Grendel" said...


That link may be of interest.

Anonymous said...


Long time reader, first time contributor. I'll just say that I'm of the firm belief that any films / books that deal with / glamourise witchcraft are to be strongly avoided by all Christians but again this is just my opinion.

bek said...

Thanks for that!

you've definately got me stuck between a rock and a hard place. but i dont think it should be that way. i hate sitting on the fence with stuff and this is one of those things i really struggle with.

i really enjoy the movies and the two books i have read and know that it is all make believe, but then i struggle with people who arent able to distinguish between the two.

thanks for the comment...youve got me thinking again :)

always a good thing...