
Purple Knees

I have two bruises on my knee caps from last night. They cane real bad too! It really hurts when you smack both of them at the same time...on solid wood!

I was getting ready to hop into bed and Russell was already in bed waiting for me. I asked him if he had warmed up my side of the bed and he said ‘no’.

I went into silly mode.

I thumped my fist on the bed saying in a silly voice “Why not, why haven’t you been working on my side of the bed!?!” or something along those lines.

I then started to bounce on the bed with my knees, but I misplaced myself and instead of jumping up onto the bed, I slipped off the edge and smacked both kneecaps on the bed frame.

I was rolling around in pain claiming that I would never walk again and that I couldn’t move my legs.

Now, get this…

The only sympathy I got was laughter and “see what happens when you are being silly?”

Me: “I wasn’t being silly….ah ah I cant feel my legs” (still waiting for some sympathy)

Russ: “You were being silly”

Me: (whispers) “No I wasn’t…sniff sniff”

Russ: “ggggrrrr….” (kiss on one knee, kiss on the other) "sigh"

I jump into bed and claim to be healed.

Although, on looking back, I probably was being silly, as my knees are so sore sitting here at work.

Ah well, scored free kisses off it!!

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