
Boy or Girl?

Can you believe that our baby is due in no less than 14 weeks!!??!

I googled some old wives tales for a little fun on guessing the sex of our baby. We chose not to find out the sex during our ultrasounds and are both starting to go crazy trying to pick which sex we think it will be! Not that it matters mind you, we just like talking about it and trying to guess.

Russ has always said it's a boy. His reasoning is that he can't see me with a girl. And that when he saw the baby at the ultrasound, he thought it looked like a boy by it's movements etc.

I have been pretty undecided. Earlier on in the pregnancy I thought it was a girl and couldn't imagine it being a boy. But now, I'm leaning towards it being a boy! And Russell has now changed his mind to a girl! We just can't make up our minds!

Here are a few old wives tales that I found. My answers are in bold. Just thought we would have a little fun here :)

1) Carrying High or Low?
This is a well known old wives tale – so many people will want to look at your belly and think they can guess just from looking! So as the tale goes, if you are carrying low, it’s a boy, or if you’re carrying high it’s a girl. We won’t tell them that the way the baby is carried is actually a reflection of your own body shape, muscle, baby’s position and other physical factors!

I don't really know. I feel like I'm just round and all in the middle!
My guesstimate: boy

2) Dry or Soft?
If your skin is dry, you’re said to be having a boy – and if it’s soft, then a girl is on the way.

I don't know on this one either. My skin is usually dry and it hasn't really changed!
My guesstimate: boy

3) What’s Baby’s Heartrate?
First, to set the record straight, until it’s born, your baby’s heartrate will not be affected by it’s gender. But so they say, if you’re carrying a girl, then baby’s heartrate will be above 140bpm (beats per minute). A boy is said to have a heart rate under 140bpm. A study published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine (1996) has dismissed this theory, as has other research. Your baby’s heart rate will change often during a pregnancy, depending on the baby’s age and it’s movement. Anything from 120-160bpm is normal for an unborn baby.

At our 12 wk ultrasound the heartrate was in the 150's - the second ultrasound and every time they have listened to the heart since, it has been 140 and under.
Guesstimate: boy

4) Your Flowing Locks
Has your hair become thinner and dull? Or full-bodied and glossy? Thin and dull says girl, gorgeous and glossy says a boy.

I don't really know on this one either!! Sorry!!
Guesstimate: boy/girl :p

5) Where Are You Carrying Extra Weight?
Even those extra pregnancy kilos is said to give us an insight into your baby’s gender! If you are carrying extra weight at the front, then you’re having a boy… but if you are carrying extra weight on your bum and hips, then you have been carrying a girl.

I'm not carrying extra weight. Though, I personally feel that my bum and thighs are bigger!!
Guesstimate: girl

6) Maths
If you combine your age at the time of conception with the number of the month you conceived and the resulting number is odd – then it’s a girl on the way. If the resulting number is even, then it’s a boy for you.

I scored 25 - so looks like it's a girl for this one!

7) Sweet, Salty or Sour?
Another well known old wives tale!!! Are you craving sweet foods like juice, fruits and chocolate? If so, old wives say that you could be having a girl. But if you’re craving sour or salty foods, then you could be having a boy. It’s also said that if you are having a boy, you will crave protein like meat and dairy. I have trouble believing this one because I think we’d be overrun by a population of females – we all love chocolate pregnant or not!

Have mainly been craving lemons. However I still love my fruit...have gone off lollies a bit and have never been a big fan of chocolate. I also love baby-bell cheeses at the moment. Seeing as it's one of the only 'gourmet' cheeses I can eat at the moment!
Guesstimate: boy

8) The Wedding Ring Over The Belly Trick!
Get your wedding ring (or other ring/needle/pin) and attach it with a strand of your hair or some string. Lie down and dangle the ring over your belly. If it starts moving in circles, you are having a boy, or if it moves like a pendulum from side to side, then you are having a girl.

I've done this twice with the girls at work. It spun in circles both times.
Guesstimate: boy

9) Morning Sickness?
Did you experience morning sickness in early pregnancy? If you did, then you’re said to be carrying a girl, but if you didn’t have morning sickness, then it’s a boy.

I had morning sickness. Not as extreme as some people...but I definately felt queesy for most of the first 16 weeks!
Guesstimate: girl

10) Cold Feet?
If your feet get colder than they used to pre-pregnancy, it’s a sign you have a boy on the way. If your feet are the same, then it’s a girl!

My feet are always cold! They have stayed the same
Guesstimate: girl

11) How Do You Look?
Do you look better than ever while pregnant? Or has the pregnancy done your looks no favors? As it goes, if you look great during pregnancy, then you are carrying a boy. If you don’t look too flash, you’re having a girl, because she’s stolen all your good looks!

I have had sooooooo many comments that I look fantastic...nice to hear :)
Guesstimate: boy

12) How’s Your Partner’s Belly?
Apparently, if your husband puts on ‘sympathy’ weight with you during your pregnancy, then you’re supposed to be carrying a girl. If he doesn’t put on any weight, then it’s a boy.

He has stayed the same....while I have just gotten bigger & bigger!
Guesstimate: boy

13) Pimples, Schmiples…
If you get acne during pregnancy, apparently you’re having a girl, and if you don’t, then you’re carrying a boy.

They have cleared up since falling preggers
Guesstimate: boy

14) Are You A Lefty or a Righty?
So when you sleep, do you sleep on your left? Because if you do, then it’s a boy for you! On your right, a girl is in sight.

I sleep on both sides! I switch between the 2 all night!
Guesstimate: boy/girl :p

15) Checking Out Your Wee!
Ooooookay…. now apparently if you have bright yellow urine, then you’re carrying a boy, but if it’s dull / clear, then you’re carrying a girl. On a serious note though, if you have dark urine, up your fluids intake as you may be dehydrated.

Mine is bright yellow like when I used to take my iron tablets! Sorry for the info!
Guesstimate: boy

16) What Does Your Belly Look Like?
A basketball or a watermelon? Because if it looks more like a basketball, then old wives say boy, but if it more resembles a watermelon then it’s a girl.

I would say it's a basketball - it most certainly feels like one!
Guesstimate: boy

17) Hairy Legs?
Has the hair on your legs grown faster than normal? Or has it grown just like normal? Because if it’s growing faster than it did pre-pregnancy, then you’re said to be having a boy.

I would say it's normal....I don't really keep track on hair growth! I just shave it when it needs it!
Guesstimate: girl

So, If I add correctly, we have 10x boy answers and 5x girl answers and 2x eithers!

I still am inclined to say girl though!! oh, I just don't know...sigh...my brain is starting to hurt!

I am going to start up a competition in a couple of weeks time where you can all have your own guess at the sex, weight, and arrival date of the baby!


Middo said...

boy, definately

bek said...

i accidentally posted the title only before I got to put all the content in!! you put your comment in before i even got to post it!!

good grief!!!

has any of the evidence changed your mind? :)

Sarah said...

I reckon you're having a girl. I've just got a feeling in me waters ;) And I would indeed like to enter your comp when you start it.

I'm guessing that you've thought up some names already? Here are a few of my suggestions:

Longfur Ingram (in honour of the blog)...actually that sounds like a pirate lol!

Incubus Ingram after your fave band.


bek said...

hehehehe that does sound like a pirates name!

oh, and incubus wouldn't be a good one. It it a demon that rapes girls while they sleep. so probably won't go with that one!

but you're on the right track.... :)

oh, and names and middle names have all been picked for the last 3.5yrs :)

Sarah said...

Oh yes, def not Incubus then!

Wow that's good that you've had names picked out for so long. Dunc and I have casually talked about baby names (even though we would like to wait a few years) and we couldn't agree. One guy's name he liked, I said, "No, that sounds like an old man!" :)

I reckon don't tell anyone otherwise everyone will try and change your mind (one mistake my cousin made). If you go "everyone, this is Bob" after the kid is born then they have to accept it.

Middo said...

I thought something must be missing Bek!:P

And no, nothing has changed, it is most certainly a boy:)

Middo said...

I thought something must be missing Bek!:P

And no, nothing has changed, it is most certainly a boy:)