
A Letter to my Cherished One

I haven’t stopped thinking about you and I don’t believe I ever will.

You hold a piece of my heart that will never be taken or replaced.

I feel so guilty these days for being so excited about our next one on the way. I feel like I don’t deserve to be happy and that I haven’t mourned you enough yet. My heart still grieves at the loss of you, my child, our child. I still feel that I didn’t do enough to look after you. That I didn’t protect you enough like a good mum should. I feel that I let you down in a big way.

You never let me down though. You taught me so much about myself, my life, and my family. You brought me closer to God. You helped heal our relationship. You taught me how to love my husband better, you taught me compassion, mercy, and empathy, lessons that I will never forget. I will take you with me throughout my life.

I promise that one day I will give you the hug from a mum that you never got to experience. I will kiss your soft cheek for the first time and nurse you and spend eternity with you. Your dad will carry you around on his shoulders and spoil you with his sloppy kisses and big bear hugs. We will all be together as a family in the presence of our Saviour.

I promise to never forget. I will love you always, my cherished one.

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