
Nearly Banned by the Dog Groomers

I received a message on my phone yesterday afternoon saying that the cost for Jet's grooming would be double what we thought. A) because of the condition of his coat, B) because of his behaviour!!

I was so embarrassed! I knew he wouldn't really be a helpful dog, but I didn't expect them to have to muzzle him and spend an entire day trimming him! He was fine with the clippers....until they turned on! Then he became a nasty piece of work! They had to shave him in stages.

But now look at him! He is like a different dog! He got a shave, nails clipped, ears cleaned out, shampoo & condition and a flea treatment! The lady who did it all said we are lucky we came to her as no other dog groomer would have done it with they way he behaved! I think we need to do a little work on our little man. He is going to have to learn who's boss around here, because it is no longer him!
He sulked all night last night. I don't blame him. I couldn't stop laughing at him! He looks like a totally different dog and he looks hilarious! All he has left is a moustache and tail. Cutey.
He was a bit chirpier this morning, so hopefully he is over his little sulk and will learn to love his new 'do'.
hehehehe....hopefully they haven't banned us for life at the dog groomers and let us back in a few months!


Sarah said...

Hehe he looks kinds like a Schnauzer with his little beard :)

Do you know what kind of dog he is?

bek said...

They reckon he is a Lhaso Apso. A tibetan dog. The groomer said his personality and looks match him pretty well!

Stinking tibetan watch dog!!