
Cover beauty

I am launching an attack on these magazines.

These are detrimental to the young women of our society and I am sick of seeing them everywhere and the powerful influence they have.

The other week I picked one up and bought it. I felt like reading a trashy magazine, but I didnt expect half the junk I read.
No wonder young girls and ladies are having identity and self-esteem issues! I can almost guarantee you find these three things on each cover:
1) Sex positions
2) New diets or fads to make you look better
3) Ways to nab a man
We are no longer a society where the value of a woman staying at home and raising decent citizens is valued. We as women are constantly told to be independent, that we dont need a man, and even to put our eggs on ice!
We are being bombarded with images of what a successful woman looks like. She is a man-eater and climbs the corporate ladder. She can out-wit any man at work and wears the pants in the relationship.
What I find to be a conflicting message is that the magazines and the media are promoting women not needing men, but also in the same issue, promoting how to have a fantastic relationship. How can you have a decent and worthwhile relationship with a guy, or anyone for that matter, when you are trying to wear the pants and win the "Miss Independent" title at the same time?
I was shocked when I read about women putting their eggs on ice. I was also shocked when I heard a friends mum tell her to think about putting her eggs on ice because she is 28 (this year) and hasnt got a man! I just wanted to scream "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL?"
Truly, what is? Why do we have to constantly be battling to be the higher sex? Why?
All these magazines do is damage. They damage the image and self-esteem of many young women, but they also damage society. If we keep telling women that you dont need to have children or marriage to be happy, that you just need to work and be independent, then we are going to continue to raise a generation of young women with HUGE issues. Im not saying that every woman out there should be getting married and popping kids out like theres no tomorrow, but if we continuall downplay this important role, then we are going to have serious consequences.
I am tired of seeing all these magazines and their typical story lines. Lose weight, Look fab in 1 hour, read these secret sex tips and be a goddess in bed in one weekend! I am tired of the junk that society is producing, and I am missing seeing the value of a woman who is truly confident in herself. Who is prepared to go against the flow and not give into societies every whim.
I am guilty of having read this trash. I am guilty of having believed it, but I just hope that we can look at the shape "womanhood" is taking and stand up against it. As a christian woman (maybe chick) I hope that I can keep putting my strength in Christ and find my confidence in him. I am guilty of hating my body and wishing I could trade. Im guilty of not eating a couple days in a row, just to lose a couple of kilos, but I hope that as Ive realised the influence that the media and society are having on me, I will be able to turn to God and find my beauty in him. I pray that any chick out there that is having issues with self-esteem can look past what society deems beautiful and successful, and look to the one who created us.
I plan to send my thoughts onto these magazines, and I will let you know how I go.

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