

I need some help. Some serious mental help....

Well maybe not that serious, but still.

Of late I have been discussing with Russell about needing someone that I can kind of offload onto. I currently do not have anyone in my life that I trust enough to unload some of my burdens, thoughts, and life onto. I think I need a shrink half the time because I feel so messed up because I have to continually internalise my thoughts and feelings. I do have Russell, but even when I talk to him about certain issues I have to censor some of my feelings in order to not hurt him!
I need someone who wont tell me Im wrong for feeling a certain way, and who wont go spreading my 'secrets' and thoughts around the church. It has happened too many times, and I cant handle it happening again....it would break me.

So....I just thought I would throw it out there and just see if anyone knows someone I could unload onto a couple times a year, or a cheap shrink? And possibly....someone who doesnt know my dad or family (just so no judgemental opinions are formed).


Sarah said...

There's Baptistcare run by the Baptist churches of WA. If you Google their name, you should be able to find their site.

South Perth Church of Christ offer a counselling service as well as part of their Compassion ministry.

I'll pray God will provide you with the right person.

Glenn Globber said...

Hey Bek. Just read your profile and have read you around on Scotts Blog. So don't know you I don't think. I think I know what you're whole issue is and it may come as a surprise but after reading your profile it dawned on me that your thoughts are so mixed up because . . . . . . . . . you listen to Michael Bolten! No wonder you don't have anyone to talk to! :)
Nah seriously, as a pastor in a previous life,(no not Buddhist) I could get defensive if we (my wife and I) disagreed on things on the church, but I came to discover that our relationship was the most important of all relationships and if I can't listen to her without getting my back up then I'd rather not be in ministry if it meant that we couldn't communicate freely and openly without getting defensive.

bek said...

I do know you mate...my maiden names furlong. :)

p.s. I was going to marry michael bolton, but decided that I wanted a hard life and married a man in ministry - youd think I woulda learnt after having my father in ministry...

Anonymous said...

Hey Bek, I've just been surfing web looking 4 insight re: missional church & where kids/teens fit into it all. And I saw your query re: who to off load onto. Everyone needs a prayer partner or peer mentor of the same gender; esecially spouses in minsitry like us. (Sometimes guys, including husbands just don't get it). I can only pray that God points u in the right direction. Trust is the key. Coincendentally, Glenn's wife was 1 of mine back in Perth.

bek said...

Yeah...I dont have any trust left though. Thats why Im looking for someone that knows nothing of me or my family.

Glenn Globber said...

Well there you go, he he he :) Now I'm cracking up! Not about you, just about this particular post and the persons commenting and my dumbness and oldness.
Yeh listen to suzy q :) she's good value. :)
I'm still laughing at myself!
Yeh I wasn't saying not to have someone in your life that you can't talk to or pray with. Just that sometimes it's a real shame that we can't express ourselves fully without hurt / pain / frustration, in any relationship.
I guess I'm speaking from the other side of the coin where I myself would get defensive or couldn't hear my wife because my head was so full of me, so I learnt, sometimes the hard way, to pull my head in and get over myself and just listen.
Anyway, I feel like a goof now. Good to put a face to a name of someone I thought I didn't know but I guess that's impossible in some circles huh?

Glenn Globber said...

Now I can't get 'Lord of the prance out of my head' :)
. . . . . . . . . I'd hate to think what you remember!

Glenn Globber said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Glenn Globber said...

Sorry, I accidentally doubled that last comment. I didn't delete it coz of anything I said.

bek said...

hehehe. Last night I remembered something while I was at music practice. We were singing "may our homes be filled with dancing...may our streets be filled with joy...etc" and remembered that you could never get 'the clap' that the church would do. The whole clap once, clap twice. You couldnt sing and clap at the same time. I just laughed it was pretty funny.

I reckon I should put that Lord of the Prance on You Tube!! Its pretty funny. Dad played it at our wedding (of course). I dont know how many times that thing has made its appearance...too many times!

Is that Susan Meredith? Im thinking it must be.

How are your kids too Glenn? They were tiny when you guys left! Wasnt your 2nd born premmy? I remember seeing her at the hospital.

Glenn Globber said...

Yep they're all good you can check out some photo's from my blog via my pics link. Pics of the kids, dog place etc. Yeah Shannon, our second child (Girl), was 11 weeks prem while we were in Perth. Kirrily was born just before we left from Perth on a 25 minute labour and Hannah our youngest didn't make it to the hospital, she was born in the car.

bek said...

WOW! 25mins!! Good grief. I looked at the photos, their all so big! Man alive!!