
im ashamed to admit this....but

I really enjoyed myself at youth last night! (which is a big deal for me!)

We played heaps of water games. We had water balloons, and sponge races, and all these fun games, and since we had an uneven number I had to join one of the teams.

I usually dont like to get involved and just help out wherever needed, but Im really glad that I did. I had so much fun with the kids, I was screaming like a little girl and running around giggling all night.

We ended up having a bit of a water bomb fight at the end of the night, in which I believe I won as I managed to get Russell and Petey without them getting me back!! (I had a secret hiding place).

All the credit has to go to my man, russell, he came up with the games and it was a fantastic night. I spoke about the thirst our souls have, and that things like drinking, sex, and other religions are just imitations of the real thing. They are like a soft drink or a soda water, they only quench the thirst for a short while, but nothing compares to the real deal.

I had so much fun that I told all the girls that next week we would handmake invitations and invite all our girly friends for a sleepover. I then woke up this morning and thought "what have I done!!" It should be fun though.....

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