
When my son grows up he will...

Is teaching your son to hit back if he is getting bullied wrong?

At our small group we are reading through ‘Wild at Heart’ and one of the stories that John (the author) shares is when his son told him that he was being bullied at school. He told his son that if the bully hit him again, that he is to hit him back.

I don’t know about you, but I was shocked when I first read this. However, after thinking about it and discussing it thoroughly I believe I would do the same should my son (God willing) be caught in the same situation.

Is this wrong? I don’t know. I don’t think anyone can say whether it is wrong or if it is right.
We have been commenting over at Middo’s blog about it and I always find it interesting to hear how people feel about it. So…..tell me how you feel about it!


Sarah said...

I haven't read Wild at Heart yet but I've been hearing so much about it from people who agree or disagree with it. Now I'm going to read it myself.

The bullying question is an interesting one. It's easy to say 'don't hit back' but then when you're getting beaten to a pulp by a bully whose just a bully for the sake of it, what are you supposed to do?

That made me think about wars and what would happen if Australia was invaded. Is the biblical thing to defend ourselves or just lie down and surrender? I dunno. To be honest, I'd want to defend myself.

Have to read up more about this but good topic.

bek said...

I guess thats the thing with this.
Do we simply look at it as kids in a playground or at a full blown war.

These things are so hard!!

Mark Edwards said...

A really good book which has a lot to do with this conversation is "Boundaries"

bek said...

Ive read that and it was a little cheesy. It has good things in it, but I honestly found the book on a whole, typical christian cheese.

It was good because it enabled me to have confidence in saying 'no' to so many of the 'requirements' and 'meetings' for church.