
The Golden Compass

Last night Russ and I headed out with a couple of friends and saw The Golden Compass (slap wrists).

We had been told by our previous church to avoid the movie at all costs which made us want to go see it even more.

I don't know if you can go through life avoiding things based on what other people say and not investigate things yourself. You can't live life completely ignorant to what is going on. Anyway, that is another subject.

The movie was really great! I really really enjoyed it! Dakota Blue Richards is the main character and I reckon you should keep your eyes peeled for her, she is up & coming I reckon and is an absolutely fantastic little actress.

As far as the movie's points went, I didn't really pick up on anything much, other than an evil institute that is hiding all different conspiracies relating to the Vatican. I was enjoying the movie too much to try and link things up. Russell wouldn't stop thinking all movie though. He has a few ideas, but I am keen to look up on stuff myself, thank goodness for GOOGLE!!

Our 'old' church (only left 1 wk ago) were putting out flyers and newsletters telling all of us to avoid the movie, that it is evil and that we should encourage family and friends to not go see the movie/read the books. This didn't sit too well with us, so we decided to go make our own judgment call on it.

I think that's all parents can really do. When I was younger, if there was a movie out my parents weren't too sure about if I should watch it or not, they would see it first, and then either take me to see it, wait till it came out on DVD, or say I couldn't see it at all.

I don't think we as Christians should be completely ignorant of all that goes on, but I do think we need to be careful sometimes as well. It's a fine line.

What do you guys think?


Here are a couple of links to some interesting articles


Killing God

Pointing towards Atheisim?

They are quite interesting and it is easy enough to find more info via Google.


Sarah said...

My pastor spoke about this move a few weeks ago but he encouraged discernment rather than simply boycotting it. He also pointed out that there are plenty of movies that are just as 'bad' that we all watch and that parents should decide whether it's suitable for their kids.

bek said...

That's a good point...we do watch a lot of crap as christians, this movie is no different!

Anonymous said...

Frankly the movie never interested me - the whole bear thing was just wierd. So I never really had to make a decision as to what my "Christian response" should be. Although I do know that the author is anti-religion (which tends to be seen as anti-God) and also against political structures that oppress people. As a Christian I tend to feel the same - I'm against oppression of people and some religions do that. I know the roman catholic church was more worried about the film because they can be very legalistic etc. Apparently Pullman thinks religion oppresses people, but no-one forced me into Christianity and if I were to disagree with it no-one would kill me - although I think I prefer to spend eternity with God than seperated from Him!!

I think if the church is going to take a stand against something, they really need to know what they're up against. When the Da Vinci Code came out Kel (pastor) encouraged people to go and see it so they would know what kinds of questions would be asked. That way you are informed Christians who think critically - not crazy shut-ins that think everything is "evil"