
Our amazing camping trip

The lovely Asher & Jaye

Look people's!! That is our tent in the background, and look....wild animals!! Sooo close...this was the joey and it's mum

"C'mon baby light my fire"

Hamelin Bay - we felt like we were on the carribbean

Russell going for a faceplant after trying out his skim board


Looks like he is getting there

A feast fit for a king. 2min noodles, meat patties from some people we met and had left-overs, fried potatoes, baked beans, spaghetti and bread....mmmmmmm

The beach near our campsite

This is my favourite shot from the weekend. It's J & A watching the sunset

We found heaps of salt on the rocks

This was taken just after J & A slipped on that slippery moss...hehehehe it still cracks me up
Another fav shot. I'm going to get it put onto canvas and hung in our kitchen/dining area

The sunset - aahhhhhh beautiful

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