

Yesterday afternoon, Russell and I and my sister and her boyfriend watched ‘300’. I had been wanting to see this so was more than happy to watch a ‘guys flick’.

I really, really enjoyed it!

It had super cool ‘slow-mo’ parts, really good fight scenes, and funny one-liners.

The story may have been completely bias towards the Spartans, but it was a good movie none the less.

The main parts I enjoyed were:

The fact that the Spartan women were considered important – they were held in high esteem because they ‘give birth to real men’ (loved that line!)

The fight scenes – very well done!

The camaraderie of all the soldiers

The way that the main character and his wife shared their strengths and weaknesses with each other – by this I mean that King Leonidus didn’t show his weaknesses to his men, but he was able to with his wife – they were open and honest with each other.

And of course as I said before some of the funny lines were great!

There were a lot of really cool parts to it, and I can't really be bothered writing them all so I’ll just give you a link, and suggest the movie to watch…good movie all round (except maybe some of the naked chicks)

Click here if you want to see some really cool trailers…

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