
Foolish things

I have done many foolish things in my life.

Jumped off the roof onto the trampoline when I was 7 while mum and dad were having a nap

Cheated in my school work

Used bright orange thread to stitch up the tear in the crotch of my navy blue school pants (and left it all year)

Bought undies that were a size 16-18 when I was a size 8 - and refused to throw them out and persisted to use them (love the 'tucked in' undie look)

Said nasty and hurtful things to Russell - just to make him hurt as much as I do (getting better at not doing this...its soooo WRONG!!)

Spent our last $20 on something completely unnecessary like lollies or clothes

Played netball with broken/fractured fingers a week after breaking them

and the list could go on.

But the foolish thing I have done this week (and last) is put myself forward to head up Creche at church.

I guess it is a good foolish thing though.

Russell wants me to give something a shot at 'this church' (apparently worship team stuff doesnt count). Since all I do is complain and get frustrated with everything, I am giving something new 'a shot'.

I have had the creche and children on my heart for the past 3-4 months. I have never done anything about it because there has been someone heading it up for.....ages.....I think. Anyway, I have been thinking about how, no matter how young a child is, its never too early to start impressing God's love for them into their lives.

Creche shouldnt just be a babysitting service. Parents should be able to enjoy a service without having to constantly go in and out and miss the majority of it....I get it! But, I dont just want to babysit these kids and then hand them back.

I have all these dreams and visions of what Creche could look like and I am really scared of what I have just gotten myself into.

This could be a really foolish thing to have done, and it could be the most rewarding, life-changing thing I have ever done.


fletchboy said...

OK. I'm gonna stick my neck out and say something. The last time I said this, I was in a chat session with a guy over in QLD and he got upset, told me I shouldn't judge people, and hasn't spoken to me since. :-0

Here is the HORRID thing I said to him: "What the kids need from you is commitment." They need to know that you are committed to them and won't spit the dummy when things get a little tough. They need that consistency so they can learn to relate to you and they need you to be there for a length of time that you become a significant person in their lives. THEN you will really be able to impact their lives for good.

Now...I hope you aren't as foolish as the guy in QLD...there is NOTHING wrong with what I said to him. I reckon he was feeling guilty and wasn't really committed to them, so I touched a sore spot for him... He had said, "All kids need is for you to love them." I said they need your love AND you commitment. (I think he'd had a few drinks too...)

I still think it is true. And HEY -- I'm a "expert". I have two of the little "ankle-biters" myself! :-)

Servant said...

one of the ways your love for the kids will be displayed is through your commitment to them. they will test you and push you and make you want to cry! but stick with them through all that and you will be rewarded for your commitment!
Grayce works with kids everyday and this is the story week after week! but when they Cry when you leave for two days that's when you know that your commitment to them has paid off!
bless you Bek!

c & c said...

that's real sweet that you want to help out. personally i find the whole church creche thing a bit wierd. Why would i separate myself from my daughter when i'm trying to connect with God? i've only been to 'proper' church one since she was born and the thought of leaving her in the creche just seemed completely bizarre. maybe i'll understand when she's a bit older and climbing the walls. i was never very good at listening to sermons anyway and could always see God's light in the wriggle little toddlers more easily than the distant preacher with the stage light in his eyes.

all the best in your new venture!