
Not so green thumb

Russ and I are starting to get excited about what we can do with the house we just bought.

I love gardening and even though I am not very good at it, I still give it my best shot. Now because we have our own place, the garden is mine for the taking!

I have big plans for a veggie patch that will include all the veggies we eat plus fruit. (the house already has about 4-5 orange trees) and I also plan to have some chooks.

I have been reading up on this website and am just itching to get into my garden.

Just wondering...does anyone have chooks or grown up with chooks in the backyard. If so, what do I need to do!?! We have no idea!!


Sarah said...

I grew up with bantams in the backyard. We just bought one of those a-frame cages although you'd probably need a bigger one with big chooks. We had a wire on the bottom of ours so dogs couldn't dig their way in. All we put in it was some straw and a wooden pole held up by bricks for a perch. But some of friends with chooks don't even bother with that, they just got a lot of wire and some tin and made a chook run with a little shelter in it. If you've got a closed in backyard, you can let your chooks out during the day. Mine loved it and they certainly left their calling cards everywhere.

Anonymous said...

your enthusiasm for gardening is getting ME excited:D

Gareth Williams said...

Scott Vawser's the man to speak to.

bek said...

1) What the heck is a bantam

2)need a secretary middo *wink wink*


oh, and 3) does scotts chooks make eggs??

Sarah said...

A bantam's a small chook http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bantam_(chicken)

bek said...

ahhhh....their the ones with the hairy feet!

Do they produce eggs?

And would we have to get a rooster?

I dont really want to be around for the mating part :s

Anonymous said...

i can see a new blog coming on

'a day in the life of bek's chooks'!


Sarah said...

Haha I think you mean feathery feet not hairy feet :P

Yeah they produce eggs except the eggs are smaller.

You would only have to get a rooster if you want them to breed. We didn't have a rooster because we lived in town and thought people would complain about the crowing. I guess it depends on how big your backyard is and whether you want LOTS of chooks running around.

A Day in the Life of Bek's Chooks....WRITE IT! hehe!

Anonymous said...

surely someone runs a rooster 'service' when 'required'?;)


bek said...

you guys are sick...

I am ashamed and dismayed


Sarah said...

Why are we sick? :O

I remember during high school, a girl from my year asked me if I would like her to take Lily (my hen)out to her farm so she could be 'roostered' and we could have chickens. I said NO! So I guess Middo's right. 'Rooster' services are available.

Randy old roosters ;)