
Backyard Blitz

As promised, here are some shots from our weekend with Middo from AGT. It was a great day and you will be amazed by these pictures! Middo did a fantastic job, and we will certainly be calling on him for all our gardening needs ;)

The backyard

Side of backyard

Gazebo and fruit trees

The top half of the backyard - jet loves to run around and get lost in there

There are 3 fruit trees and a chicken cage somewhere in there!

Again the gazebo and more fruit trees

Middo whipper-snippering away

The frontyard with 6 of the 12 trees we removed!

3 trees along the driveway

A random shot

The last 3 trees in the driveway

My herb patch. I love it!! It's an old outdoor laundry tub the previous owner left. I am going to be planting different lettuce's on the right

My tree art. My arms hurt to much towards the top, so I just left it...much to Russell's frustration!

Middo trying to de-root a tree ;)

Pushing and shoving


Anonymous said...

Awesome photo's!:)

Good work team:)

bek said...

I Love it thankyou soooooo much!!